Chapter # 4

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(Name) set across from Saori and Nanami, munching on her potato chips, as the seniors trained in a distance. It has been more than one month since she arrived at Jujutsu tech. She looked at Nanami, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, biting on the pencil in between his teeth. Her eyes drifted to the girl, she was engrossed in some deep thought. (Name) followed her eyes, and soon enough they landed on their senior, Suguru Geto.

The raven-haired man was busy in a duel between him and Gojo oblivious of the girl staring at him.

"You know it's creepy to stare at people like that, at least in my country. We call these types of people stalkers." (Name) opened another bag of chips.

The girl was taken aback at her comment, "(Name) is right," Nanami said in a monotonous voice.

Saori pouted, her cheeks covered in a pretty pink shade, "Shut up both of you,"

"just go talk to him, it's unsettling hearing you sigh every other minute." (Name) suggested, offering the bag of chips to Nanami, who took it with a small, "thanks."
"He does not like it when I talk to him," Saori muttered, roughly taking the bag of chips from Nanami. if it wasn't for the depressing look on her face he never would've thought twice about getting his chips back.


"Because he hates me, that's why."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Saori."

"Of course he does! Why would he ignore me like a plague?" the girl was frustrated. That is the only thing she was asked of her clan, to build a good relationship with the boy. As the clans wanted them to tie the knot when old enough.

If she failed, she will be seen as nothing but a disappointment.

(Name) felt bad for her, the girl seemed nice and did like Suguru but he, on the other hand, couldn't stand in the same room as her more than necessary. 

"Then maybe just move on? I can not see why you like him that much, seems nothing special to me." (Name) shrugged, ignoring a look from Nanami that kindly asked her to shut up.

"You will never understand, (Name)," Saori stood up, taking (Name) snack bag along with her, "I'm taking this, don't follow me." after shooting a glare at (Name) she walked away.

"I was just being logical?"

"Well, you see love doesn't care about logic."
Nanami muttered, "at least not hers."

"You seem to be talking from experience, Nanami."

"No," he shook his head, "I've spent enough time with her to know."

"I see."


"Where is Saori?" Gojo approached them, "I swear I can feel disturbance here."

"She is having her mood swings, cause being a certain someone." Nanami gathered his books, "I'm done with my work,"

"You are going back to the dorms?"
"Yeah, going to check on Saori on my way as well." he left (Name) there, sitting on the grass.

"So, (Name) how are your classes going so far?" Gojo did not waste time seating himself by her side. He was always so nice to her, greeting her whenever they passed each other in the halls or during the casual meetings in the cafeteria. (Name), dare say, considered him a friend. But it was rare for them to be alone around each other, even if Gojo tried hard to get alone time with her. He was, dare say, intrigued and wished to know more about her, things not even her fellows knew.

"Same as always,"

"Great, mind telling me what happened to Saori?"

"It's nothing that has anything to do with you," (Name) was not sure why he was being so intrusive, "why do you care anyway?"

"For starters, she is my cousin, and as her senior---"

"Wait, you guys are related?"

"Well, duh," He ran a hand in his hair, "where do you think she gets her looks from?"

"Her parents." (Name) deadpanned.

"Fair enough, I just worry for her. Her asshole of a father only wants her to become a trophy wife to Suguru. I worry that she'll lose herself in the process." he let out a sigh, "I wish I could help her out of this situation."

"Maybe she'll get over it with time."

"We can only hope." after a moment of silence, Gojo asked, "Are arranged marriages common in (Native country) as well?" the question was out of the blue.

"Yeah, but people confuse arranged marriages with forced marriages quite often."

"(Name), you are part of an elite clan, right?"

(Name) was muddled at his question, "Yeah, why?"

"Are you perhaps arranged to marry someone as well?" he asked, innocently batting his eyelashes.

"No, what kind of stupid question is that?"

"Just a harmless question." he defensively raised his hands, "what if you were?"

"I'm not answering that."

"In a very hypothetical situation, it's not as if it's gonna happen at all, what if you were arranged to me?"

(Name) made a disgusted face, "Ewww, why would I marry you!?" she pretended to puke.

"(Name)-chan, that is just harsh," he shoved her playfully, huffing at the apparent rejection.

She let out a giggle, snorting in the process, her face turning red from embarrassment. She looked away, composing herself.
"How cute, who would have thought you have such an adorable laugh." this was Satoru's time to chuckle.

"Go away," she examined the sky, ignoring his hearty laughter.

"as you wish, Mam." he stood up, her eyes unconsciously darting to his. Satoru gave a dramatic bow, walking away. (Name) fell on her back, letting out a breath. Her hand going to rest on her stomach, is this what felt like to get butterflies in your stomach?

In a distance, a figure could be seen. Analyzing the interaction between the teens with raised brows.

Author's Note:
I wonder who this mysterious person is.🤨
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