Chapter # 30

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(Name) glimpsed through the slightest open door, Satoru is nowhere in sight. Gripping the handle, she opened the door all the way and entered the room. Saomi is chewing her chew toy silently.

"Hey, what are you doing here all by yourself? Did your idiot Uncle leave you alone?" she cooed, dropping by the young girl's side and balancing her weight over her elbow.

The young girl blabbered, shaking her chew toy violently, "Of course, you agreed, why wouldn't you?" (Name) blew over her nose lightly and Saomi scrunched her little nose, she smiled at her reaction. Saomi is just like a living doll, with big gray eyes that were inherited from her mother. The raven straight hair from her father, and also Suguru's nose is her prominent feature.

Saomi resembles more to Suguru more than Saori.

(Name) smiled, her thoughts shifting to Satoru. He must have felt betrayed, the day he found out about his best friend and his cousin who he loved as a sister, having a baby and he had no knowledge of such a tremendous step. But he is still taking care of their offspring as his own and honestly, that only increased (Name)'s admiration for Satoru tenfold. After a few minutes, Saomi is already sleeping.

(Name) happens to be too busy in her tiny world that she did not notice the door of the attached bath opening with a light click.

"(Name)? What are you doing here?"

(Name) twisted her neck to look back at the man standing by the door, in nothing but a towel. Another towel draped over his head as he is rubbing his soaked hair.

"You were in the bathroom all this time?" she breathes, squinting her eyes closed. '(Name), you did not see anything, YOU DID NOT SEE HIS ABBS!!!' she is internally screaming.

"Yes? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned at her odd behavior. (Name) squinted her eyes even tighter. 'get the hint, and go wear some clothes!'

"I'm totally fine, what can happen to me?" she awkwardly laughed, she wished to be swallowed by the ground because the idea of Saturo being shirtless is too tempting.

'Take a peek, (Name), he wouldn't even notice!' a voice uttered.

'NO! I'm not that desperate!'

She buried her head into the covers beside Saomi.

"Alright," he walked over to his luggage, opened up the bag, and took out the ironed shirt and slacks, "you know, you can look if you want to, I don't mind at all." His back is turned to her and she can imagine the shit-eating grin on his face.

"You!" She threw the closest pillow toward him, hitting him directly over his head, "I would take a look, but honestly, there is nothing to look at," Satoru surprised by the hit on his head, turned around to face the woman laying on the bed.

"(Name), you are a bad liar."

"Satoru, I don't lie."

"See? You're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"Lying, your eye twitches every time you lie and it's doing it right now." he spoke, confident in his discovery, "it's missed by most people but not me,"

She squeezed her eyes shut, "Shut up and wear some clothes!"

"Man, you are so easily flustered," Satoru chuckled, "bet I can make you even more embarrassed,"

"Don't---" Satoru placed his hands over his thighs so that he is in front of her, "too late,"
He gently took her hands in his and peeled her hands off of her face.

"Hey, (Name), open your eyes."


"Please, I'm not gonna punish you for looking," he whispered, pushing back her hair and tucking them behind her ear, "unless... You are into that stuff."

"Satoru, you are stubborn as hell,"

"And you are so effortlessly embarrassed by my naked torso," He told her, "who knew, the bratty and aloof (Name) (Last Name) was so prudish? What will people say to that?"

"I'm not prudish!" she whisper/yelled, as Saomi is sleeping not so far away.

"You are no fun, (Name)," (Name) is so done with him being smug, she needs her revenge on teasing and she needs it NOW.
Satoru straightened to his full height, still dressed in just a towel.

'Two can play this game,' she thought and opened her eyes. Satoru unaware of her intentions picked up his discarded clothes.

"Satoru," she spoke, her voice so fragile, "you think you can embarrass me and get away with it?" she stood up from the bed, her eyes focused on his blue ones.

"Oh?" he uttered and raised his brow delicately, "what are you gonna do about it?"

"Take my revenge, hmmm, I wonder..." her fingers grazed the shirt she has been wearing all this time, "I wonder if you are any different."

"What do you mean?" He asked, as her fingers delicately lifted the shirt up to her abdomen, "(Name), don't---" his eyes resembled a full moon as she lifted her shirt even further up. When it reached her ribs, Satoru stopped her.

"I told you to stop didn't I?"

"Oh? And why would I listen?" She smirked, his face is covered in a pretty shade of pink, fading down to his neck.


"Shhh, I'm not done yet," she whispered, placing a hand over his lips. The pad of her thumb caressed his soft lip, "you know, I was just sparing you your dignity but it seems like you don't care." her other hand came to rest on his chest. She can feel the erratic rhythm of his heart under her palm.

(Name) stroked his cheek,  a smug grin gracing her lips. The hand over his chest moved up, to the back of his head and grasped the hair at the nape of his neck, and brought his head towards her.

Satoru let her do whatever she wished of him, because if he is being honest; something is intoxicating about being overpowered by her.

(Name) brought his head so close to her but so far for his liking. Her lips are only a breath apart from his, she looked as if she is about to kiss him but dodged closely. Her lips came in contact with his earlobe but not quite touching but dear god,  her breath is making him feel things that someone's breath shouldn't make you feel and a low grumble reared from him.

"What is it?" he is embarrassed to tell her his ordeal, even if she is not already aware of what effect she had on her by just a mere touch. Curse his male anatomy.

She moved in even closer, "are you okay---?" her eyes widened at the realization, "oh,"

"Yes, oh indeed," he whispered as if he was embarrassed before, now he is flustered beyond imagination.

She pulled away completely, "I'll take my leave now," she sprints out of the room, flushed at the thought of what she just accomplished and no, it wasn't intentional. At least not all of it.

Author's Note:

Ahm, I'm hoping you guys made it this far. 

I hope I enclosed the situation without telling you too much or using any vulgar language because I don't like using it in my writing if not necessary.

Anyway, thanks for voting!


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