Chapter # 36

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Aoi Akashi never expected to get a call from The Satoru Gojo after their brief meeting, discussing a rather intimate matter: Satoru Gojo's paper wedding to her!? she punched herself just to make sure she is not dreaming.  Being his wife, even on just paper, is a high privilege for someone of her social standing in the Jujutsu world. She is, after all, just a nobody, a lower-grade sorcerer who is going to die in a gruesome mission one day and she did not want that to happen.

Because she had someone she wanted to look after and cherish; her younger brother. He is her only family after the gruesome death of her parents. She took the curse-killing job because it paid more handsomely than any other job she did in the non-sorcerer world and she needed the money to pay for their living expenses. She never wished for a life of negligence and poverty for her brother. So, she met with Satoru Gojo for their second meeting in a restaurant that looked way out of her budget.

"Aoi Akashi," The older man greets her kindly, "I'm delighted you came to see me, I'm sorry for putting you in such a position,"

"No problem, Mister. Gojo, it's an honor to make your acquaintance," she gave a deep bow.

"Just call me, Satoru, no need for formalities,"

"But, you are my senior and the most powerful sorcerer in the world, how can I show such disrespect,"

"I can't be that old," he muttered, "anyway, order what you want, we'll discuss the terms of the arrangement later," he dismissed her, looking down at the menu in his hands. He peeked at the girl in front of her, she might not be powerful but the girl sure is a looker. With silvery blond hair and hazel eyes. She awkwardly shifted in her seat.

"Mr. Gojo, do you mind if I ask something?"

"Go ahead,"

"Why not marry someone you like?" her regret was instant after, "I'm sorry, sir, I did not wish to offend you or anything at all! I just thought that someone of your social standing must have a lover."

Satoru leaned on his elbows, "I understand what you meant I do have a lover,"

"Oh, sir, then why not marry them?"

"Because she is not ready for such commitment," he sipped the water, his hand carelessly twirling the liquid around, "it's not my place to force such responsibility on her, besides, I don't think I'm ready for such commitment either hence the paper marriage,"

"I understand, sir, that sometimes we are faced to make decisions that take a piece of us. To be frank with you, I'm only doing this because I need money to secure the future of my younger brother," her hands rested on the table, uncomfortable by the eyes on her.

"Utahime informed me, rest assured I would never take any advantage of you, Aoi,"

"Sir, I appreciate your words,"

"but do stop calling me sir, I may have grey hair but I'm not that old,"


(Name) is contemplating whether she enters the hotel or not, half of her wants to run back home and the other half wants the ground to swallow her whole. Because in the latter scenario, she wouldn't have to get questioned for her actions.

With a heavy heart, she decided none of the decisions above are worth it and stepped up the stairs, "Excuse me, (Name) (Last Name), right?" a masculine voice called from behind, the language she recognized immediately; it is Japanese.

She spun on her heels, a man is standing just a few steps down. His hair is white except for some of the grey tips. He gave her a toothy grin, "are you (Name) (Last Name)?

(Name) nods, "I'm (Name) (Last Name), but who you might be?"

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I'm Naoya, from the Zenin Clan," the man held his chin high, showing pride in his title.

"I don't see how that concerns me?"

"It does, I'm your date for today's charity event, miss. (Name),"

"Oh," she isn't sure what to make of this dude, he has this sickly sweet tone to his voice. But it would be too instantaneous to judge him, so she decided to not delve deeper.

"Shall I take you inside?" he offered her his arm, as seen as a common courtesy.

"Alright," Naoya led her inside, a steady smile gracing his features; it is time for him to finally position his good looks and allure this beautiful and just as powerful woman.


"Miss. (Name), do you mind a drink?" Naoya is holding two glasses of wine, holding one out for her to take.

"I dont drink," she simply answered.

"just as expected from someone of your social class, can't say I'm surprised. It's quite alluring to see a young woman like yourself taking care of herself." he drowned the glass offered to her in one large gulp and placed it back.

"Well, I, on the other hand, find it very unattractive to see a man drowning himself in liquor," she leaned on the counter, "may I have a lemonade margarita,  hold the alcohol,"

"Of course, Mam," the bartender flashed a smile and a wink. He is an attractive man, with sharp features and eyes that resembled a fox, his hair is tied up on the back of his head

"You asshole, give me a lemon margarita as well,"

"Sir, do you want it with the shot vodka or just plain?" the bartender asked, serving the customers drinks.

"What do you think?"

"Got it,"

"This scoundrel thinks he is better than me," the bartender, grinning from ear to ear, served (Name) her drink.

"Did you come here with a date?" the bartender raised a question, a brow twirling with mischievousness.


The bartender exclaimed, "If not, I can fill in that place," (Name) shook her head, trying to be as calm as possible.

"Sir, your drink," Naoya grabbed the glass looking at it for a few seconds, his eyes indifferent as he gulped down the drink and called the bartender, "yes---" the empty glass is thrown at the bartender's face.

"You asshole, flirting with MY DATE in front of me!?" he jumped over the counter and grabbed the collar of the bartender, "I'm gonna kill you today!"

(Name) wanted to just flee the scene in front of her and forget it ever happened. She stood there and watched the two men punch and kick each other. She expected the bartender to be inadequate, but he is surprisingly keeping up with Naoya Zenin. She decided she had enough.

Therefore, she wandered out. She was there to have a good time not to get meandered by the raging testosterone of these men.

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