Chapter # 29

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(Name) is back to her routine of living with her family, but there wasn't a moment from morning to evening she did not miss her time in Japan. After the thing in the hallway, she blushed every time she recalled what happened on her last day in Japan.

"(Name)?!" she is brought back to Earth by her cousin violently shaking her.

"What? What is it, Haqir?" she inquired, looking surprised that he appeared concerned for her.

"You got lost there for a second, I thought something was wrong." Her cousin smiled, he is a year older than her, but that never stopped them from bonding since they'd been friends since they were born. He has wavy brown hair, that is held back by hair clips. There is little stubble on his chin and cheeks, "anyways, I was talking about the possibility to extend the business to other countries as well; I've already talked to father about this and he agreed. We need to do thorough research before concluding."

"Do whatever you want," (Name) slammed her head on her table, tired of his talk.

"At least pretend to listen?" he smacked her head with a file, the girl looked annoyed.

"Like how can you manage being a teacher and right-hand man of your father in business is beyond me,"

"It takes years of constant grinding," He smirked, leaning on her table, "how can you manage to be the strongest member of (Last Name) clan and my assistant at the same time?"

"You don't even pay me, I'm planning to resign in the future."

"Nah, you can never resign from this post, you'll either die serving or possibly get married to an aristocrat from another country."

"I'm hoping that's a joke, I'm not serving you for the rest of your life."

"Aren't you confident? You think you can outlive me!?" (Author is having flashbacks of THE VEIL.)

"You can't hurt me, Haqir, I'm the strongest here, remember?"

"Pft, the second strongest, that Japanese guy is the strongest sorcerer." If it was past (Name), she would've been annoyed at being called the weaker one with such mockery. But this is present (Name), she no longer minds being called that, because she has had character development.

"Doesn't matter," she smiled sweetly, catching him off guard, "and that Japanese guy's name is Satoru Gojo."


"(Name)! Young lady come out right now!" she recognized the voice, it was her best friend and a slightly annoying soon-to-be wife of Haqir.

"What is it?" she jumped out of the balcony, coming to face her, "why are you screaming?"

"Someone's here to see you," the older woman smiled smugly, winking, "quite a handsome stranger if I say so myself."

"I bet he is more handsome than your ugly fiance," she spoke, as Arshi gasped.

"How dare you?"

(Name) ignored her scandalized expression, "where is that stranger?"

"I'm right here, Muffin." Arshi's jaw dropped at the obvious flirtatious tone of the stranger, "I could not wait to see you so, here I am,"

Satoru Gojo grinned at the reaction of (Name), she finally gathered her words, "what are you doing here!?"

"As I said, I couldn't wait to see you." he opened his arms, inviting her for an embrace, "I missed you,"

When the initial shock wore off, (Name) leaped into his arms. Satoru laughed, She said, "I can't believe it's already been just a week, I am expecting you to be too eager to see me?"

"Of course yes, but Saomi missed you as well," He told her, "she cried for hours after you left."

"Aw, man, this is cute and all; But who are you?" Arshi asked, her hands resting on her hips.

"I am Satoru Gojo---"

Arshi lifts a hand, stopping him a mid-sentence, "the Satoru Gojo? (Name)'s senior?"

"Yes, the same---"

"She loves talking about how annoying you are! It's almost as if she is obsessed with you..." she trailed off, (Name) glare stopping her from exposing her further.

"Satoru, where is Saomi?"

"Well, she was with me, I left her with your mom," Satoru answered, as (Name) leads him inside.

"Oh, Young Satoru, you are back," Her mother smiled, she is swaying a wailing Saomi back and forth, "I apologize but your daughter won't stop crying no matter what I do."

"I'm sorry, Mrs (Last Name), she is a bit cranky after teleportation."

"YOU TELEPORTED HER HERE!?" (Name) screamed.

"Uh, yeah, I can't bring her on a plane because She'll get even more cranky."

"(Name), cut him some slack," her mother scolded, Satoru took the young girl from her arms. The girl immediately stopped crying.

"She is such a Papa's princess! Our (Name) was the same. She was always by her father's side, such a clingy little thing she was..."

"Mom, can you ask servants to prepare a room for them?" (Name) asked, "you'll be staying here, right?"

"No, I don't want to invade your privacy, Saomi and I will be fine in the hotel." Satoru declined the offer.

Before (Name) can argue, her mother spoke, "No, it's alright, son. The (Last Name) Clan will be honored to be your host."

"It'll be an honor to be your guest, Mrs (Last Name)," Satoru, grateful, bowed his head to the old woman.

Her mother left them in the living room, (Name) took Saomi in her arms and kissed her forehead lovingly, "did you miss me, Saomi, because I missed you so much!"

"So cute!" Arshi fawned over the young girl, she has never seen an adorable little girl like her.

"I know right!" (Name) exclaimed.

"No offense, she looks nothing like you, Gojo,"

"None was taken, and yes she looks nothing like me,"

"Her mother must be really pretty," Arshi gushed, as the Saomi looked at her with her big eyes.

"Yes, she was."

Arshi looked guilty as the tone of his voice changed from excited to bleak, "I'm sorry I did not know..." she also noticed (Name)'s sudden silence.

"It's okay, it does not hurt as much..." Satoru answered, giving them a half smile as his arm draped over (Name), "right, (Name)?"

She smiled, but it is gloomy, "Yes, it doesn't."

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