Chapter # 7

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"Do you think they made out?" a very excited voice uttered.

"did you mean made-up?"

"I know what I said, Nanami."

"Why the hell am I here?"

"Sugu, because Satoru is your best friend."

"Hush, all of you, I can't hear anything."

"We never heard anything, to begin with, Shoko."

"That's it, I'm opening the door."

"Nanami, stop---" the door of the closet opened with a creek.

"Oh." the students looked dumbfounded at the sleeping pair.

"I don't know what I was expecting but this is not it," Suguru said shaking his head.

"You are right, it's EVEN BETTER!" the brunette squealed, "Saori bring out the camera!"

"Already at it, Mam." Saori was ready to take the shoot, waiting for her senior's approval.

"That is enough adventure for me, I'm going to sleep. It's already past my bedtime." Nanami left the closet, Suguru was the next one to depart but unfortunately was stopped by very excited Saori, "Suguru, don't you wanna see his reaction?" she asked.

"I'll pass..."

She was aggrieved, looking down at her camera, she said, "Okay, if you want a copy of all the good shoots just ask."

"I will." he exited the room, without a second glance at the girl.

"Saori, we still have some angles to capture."
"Coming," she held the camera up, taking the picture from Shoko's suggested angle.

"Do you think we should add the whipped cream mustache?"

"Do it."

"What the hell is going on?" a very sleepy Satoru mumbled, some of (Name) hair going into his mouth.

The girls froze at the spot, "at the count of three, Saori, run."

"Got it."




The girls sprinted out of the closet at the speed that would've made (Name) proud, if only she was awake to see it.

"bloody hell is wrong with them?"

Satoru's eyes landed on the sleeping girl, half of her was being supported by his figure. He blushed, poking her cheek, trying to wake her up, "hmmm, mother, don't wanna go to school today..."

"Too bad you are already in school, (Name)."

Satoru grinned, pushing himself away from the sleeping girl. Without his body supporting her, she fell planting her face on the floor.

"WHAT IN THE NUT CRACKERS!!!" Satoru chuckled, making his way to the door.
"Are you planning on sleeping in the closet?"
(Name) noticed her surrounding, she was not on a marshmallow bed. It has all been a dream and what a wistful dream it was. Her furious gaze met Satoru.

"What?" (Name) stood up, brushing her pajamas. Remembering she was still mad at him, she pushed her chin up. And walked out not even sparing a glance at him.

"What climbed up her ass?" Satoru whispered, "probably the floor germs." the white-haired boy stood there for fifteen minutes laughing at his joke.


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