Chapter # 25

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After the tiring scourging through the vast marketplace with Satoru and Saomi, (Name) was exhausted to the bones. Saomi falls asleep afterward but Satoru is just as energetic as ever chatting away with an occasional yes and no from her.

"I don't know about you but I'm famished, (Name)-chan." he leads them to the food court, pulling a chair for her, "you see the menu, I'll be right back."

(Name) seated herself and Satoru disappeared. She picks up the menu, looking through the dishes served, "hm, meat or seafood? I don't know what to choose..."

"The meat is pretty damn good if I say so myself." a man with a cocky smile is standing by the table, "I would recommend the beef teriyaki."

"Are you the server?" he is not wearing a uniform, and his clothes are moderately expensive and pristine, "I will take some teriyaki with a side of rice,"

The man laughed, wiping a tear from his eye, "I apologize but I am not the server," he notices the stroller by her side, peering inside of it, "that's a cute little girl, is she yours?"


"Oh, that must be hard, living as a single mother I mean." (Name) desires to roll her eyes at the obvious mock empathy in his voice, "you don't mind me sitting---"

"Excuse me, sir but you are currently hindering my way to my seat," the voice is just as cheery as always, turned around to face Satoru Gojo. He towered over the man, "(Name), do you know this kind gentleman?"

(Name) smiled and shrugged, "no, I don't know him,"

The man finally voiced, "who are you?" Gojo smiled maliciously, he heard the chat and also was very aware of this man's intentions; because he is a man.

"Papa to that beautiful girl isn't she just pretty, wouldn't you agree sweetheart?"

"Of course, sweet pie," the man got the hint, He silently turned around and left them alone, "aw, I was hoping he'll stay a little longer."

"I can call him back if you like,"

"Nah, but he was cute tho."

"(Name)-Chan don't go around calling other guys cute, you can't do that in my presence,"

"Why not?"

Satoru stands up, his hand trailing up to her face, "I want you to only have your eyes on me, will you be willing to do that?"

Embarrassed (Name) slapped his hand away, "Oh, cut the act, Satoru, it's not funny." She looks down at the menu, thinking why she was fidgety and embarrassed of herself.

"I'm an actor, this world is my stage and you perhaps are the love interest," He recites the dialogue with vigor and clarity.

"If you don't shut it I'm gonna---"

"Do what? Punch me? But this distance hurts more than those feeble punches of you,"

"God, kill me."

"Shhh... Don't say that," he places a hand over her lips, shutting her up, "it'll kill me from the inside if something happens to you,"

"Satoru, what did you snort in the  restroom?"

"I don't need no drug, I'm already high on your love,"

"This is enough," (Name) abruptly stands up from her seat, pulling him towards her by grasping his collar. The man was caught off guard by her actions and stumbled, "don't you dare utter another word, Satoru Gojo, I will promise to chop off your limbs and feed them to the stray cats and dogs." her eyes are narrowed into narrow slits, her jaw was set.

"Oh, my, it'll be useless labor you, I'll just grow my limbs back. I am a Reversed cursed technique user, remember?"

Gojo was thrown back in his seat, "Why don't you ever listen? Did I not tell you to stop flirting with me?"


"You wanna know why, Satoru?"


"Because I'm scared, okay? Go ahead now, make fun of me..." she mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself.

"What are you scared of?"

"Scared of you," She whispered, "scared of my own treacherous heart and your sham words that mean nothing to you."

"Making you uncomfortable was never my intention, and for that, I apologize,"

"No, just no," she decided to walk out of the talk that she so foolishly started. He is probably enjoying her discomfort and the soft look on his face is a hoax, "I need to leave."

"(Name)!" Satoru called out to her, but she did not listen. What happened to her all of the sudden? Did he overstep his bounds? Her reaction bothered him more than he cares to admit, after all, she used to be his crush. He smiled sadly, dropping back in his seat. Why was she scared of him? He'll never hurt her in any way or form. He was no longer famished, thinking of the all possibilities of her behavior.

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