Chapter # 6

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(Name) was swinging her legs side to side, as she was doodling on her notebook, she was inserting more strength than necessary. The pencil broke, the tip hitting her eye, "FUCK!"

"(Name)!? You alright!?" Saori came to her aid accompanied by Nanami.

The said girl rubbed her eye roughly, "I'm alight, don't worry,"

"Idiot, let me see..." Nanami fell on his knees, coming in eye level with the girl.

"I said I'm fine." he gently pulled his hand down from her face.

"Shut up and let me see."


"Your eye is all red, you are lucky it did not do much damage, Saori mind bringing some water to wash her eye?"

"Of course,"

"You are overreacting, Nanami." she tried rubbing her eye again.

"Don't rub it, you'll make it worse." he pulled his hand down, not letting it go. Because he knew she will try rubbing her eye again.

"But it stings," she squinted her eye closed.
"let me help you with it..." he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, bringing the soft cotton to her cheek. He gently rubbed the area just below her eye, hoping it'll soothe her eye.

(Name) set there, waiting for the stinging to go away. Her reverse cursed technique doing its work.


"Guys, Sensei said---" Satoru was standing in the doorway, his smile dropping at the sight of Nanami kneeling in front of (Name), who was sitting on her chair. He did not miss his hand caressing her cheek.

"What is it, Gojo?" Nanami asked, standing up.

"Sensei wanted your class in the training area," Gojo ignored (Name)'s eyes, the words she has said to him that morning still piercing his ego.

"Alright, we will be there."

"(Name), your water!" Saori entered the room with a water bottle in her hand.

"Thanks but my eye is already healed." even tho she did not need it, (Name) still took the water bottle from her hand.

"(Name), look at me," she looked her in the eyes, "oh my, it has. Man, I wish I could use reverse curse technique..."

Gojo peered at the trio, "it is useful," Nanami acknowledged.

"Imagine not being afraid to be injured! You are an immortal."

"Thanks, guys, but it isn't as cool as you think..."

"Shut up, no need to be humble, we know you are way overpowered." Saori finally noticed Gojo standing in the doorway, "creep, why are you standing there?"

"dont know, because I have legs?"

"Even the bimbos you try to bed have more sauce than that joke, Satoru, try harder,"
Saori said and (Name) snorted.

"If we are talking about trying harder, dear cousin, I wonder why you are still single," he smirked, he looked her up and down, "oh right, because you have nothing to offer."

"Hold my arm, Nanami, before I murder him!!!" Nanami grabbed her arm, stopping her from pouncing at Satoru.

"Let her go, Nanamin." Nanami rolling his eyes, let her arm go.

"Nanami!? Are you going to listen to him!?"
Nanami was not going to be part of the sibling rivalry they had going and tapped out.

"Now what? it's just you and me Soari!"

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