Chapter # 10

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"Just kill the curses and get out of the veil, I'll be waiting outside," Yaga instructs his students, they were standing outside a school, "the reports speak of few students disappearing in a week or so. The locals believe that the human trafficking mafia is behind this but the investigation suggests it's in fact work of a special grade,"

"I see, we just have to rescue the children and kill the curse," (Name) spoke, her mind thinking about any possible strategies to kill the curse.

"I trust both of you with this job, don't disappoint me."

"We will never, Sensei," Gojo spoke, giving a genuine smile to the teacher.

"I carry great pride in both of you, I hope you have done some work on whatever is going on between you two." (Name) gives a gentle smile, him telling her that meant a lot to her and from the grin stretching on Satoru's lips she can say the same about him.

"You can count on us."


The veil appeared on the sky, making it pitch black as it was night but it was hardly afternoon.

"(Name), can you pinpoint the location of the special grade?" Satoru asked, "if you can it'll save us a lot of time."

"I'm trying, there are too many curses here," the amount of stench was making her nauseous, she has been to these places before but the headaches afterward never are pleasant.

"Alright, we should check inside." Satoru walked through the main gate, with (Name) behind him.

The silence stretched between the teens as they looked for the special grade inside each room, "this special grade must be good at concealing itself."

After what felt like an hour, (Name) noticed something strange, "didn't we see that doodles on a handful of times before?"

"Great observation, (Name). I noticed that as well." Satoru ripped off the paper with doodles off of the wall, inspecting it.

"Great, a curse can hex." (Name) puffs her cheeks like a toddler, "only making it difficult to find it."

"(Name), what's the fun without a little chase, right?" he smiled, leading them out of the room, "I like them hard to get."

"Yeah, I get it, but your choices are kinda contradictory to your statement." (Name) answered, only speaking from what she has observed from distance.

"It's not my fault everyone is charmed the instant they lay eyes on me." he boasted, pushing the strands of grey hair back.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself." (Name) said, shaking her head. This man had an ego the size of the hemisphere.

"You are telling me you were not charmed the moment you saw me?" he sounds aggrieved, looking back at her with a pout on his lips.

"You are not revolting as long as you keep your mouth shut." (Name) responded, with a little smirk that was not unnoticed by the boy.

"That's a compliment coming from you because you are quite good-looking yourself as long as the onlooker is blind." Satoru giggled as she pushed him a little too hard.

"physical looks are one thing that I don't care about, never have. If you put people on a pedestal just because of outward appearance, you've reached the shallowest level of humanity." (Name) spoke with enthusiasm, "I know first impressions matter but for a long term acquaintance it shouldn't be as important."

"You speak as if you are not pretty." Satoru muttered, but she can not hear him as she was too busy observing her surroundings, "I thought you were the most average person ever."

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