Chapter # 38

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(Name) walked side by side with Satoru, talking about everything and nothing simultaneously. She laughed at his idiotic retorts and the melodic sound of her laughter brought a charming smirk over his lips.

"I can't imagine Megumi being that rowdy!"

"You haven't met Gumi in his middle school days, there wasn't a time when I didn't get a call from the school regarding his behavior," he told her, "for weeks I thought the teacher had a thing for me and Megumi was just being framed so she can see me every week,"

"I'll be surprised if she didn't," She murmured, tieing her hands behind her back, "Well, did you find out if she had a thing for you,"

"Sadly, yes, but she wasn't into me at all,"

"Wow, what a surprise,"

"On top of that, she called me immature and said I shouldn't be taking care of a child," he huffed, bringing his lips into a pout, "that day I realized, being called childish hurts more than rejection,"

"I guess you got schooled?" (Name) bumped her shoulder with his, laughing at the mock melancholic look on his face.

"Muffin, dad jokes don't suit you," 

"Guess you're right," she fell silent, looking at the shadows of the night or observing the vehicle passed by them now and then. The night is cold and dark but somewhat colorful, the grey and darks blinding each other and creating the tints of the nightlife (Name) never paid attention to. Her fingers gently grazed his as they are walking side by side; goosebumps erupts over her arm, going up to the shoulders and neck.

(Name) lets her hand idly hang by his, the act somewhat intimate for her. What she did not expect was for him to gently entangle their hands and look at her all smug and flustered and He had no intention of letting it go.
"I do hope I'm not crossing a line, Muffin."

"I---what of your hypothetical wife?"

"She doesn't mind at all," he tapped his chin with his free hand, "that reminds me, that's what I wanted to talk about,"

"what is it?"

"I've found someone who'll help me, her name is Aoi Akashi and she is a lower-grade sorceress," he continues, "from her records, she isn't physically strongest among her true but what she lacks in strength she makes it up for it with her brains but alas, that is only far it can take you in sorcery world."

"hmmm, if we keep the hierarchy system among sorcerers in mind as well,"

"Right, she is also an outsider,"

"What's the compensation for her help?"

"She just wants money,"

"Makes sense, the lower-grade sorcerers are barely paid anything for their duties, having more chances of death by a curse than any higher-grade sorcerers,"

"That's one of the things that must be changed in the sorcery world." (Name) agreed, nodding her head. She saw the lights of the manor from a distance. This is the time for their separation.

"Look at that, we are almost there,"


"looks like it's time for my departure as well," with their clasped hands, Satoru pulled her in, hugging her passionately, "try not to miss me too much, okay?" he kissed her on the forehead.

"See you,"

"See you later," and with that, he was gone.


A car came to a halt behind her as she reached the main gate of the manor. She did not pay any mind to the car at all, but it only reminded her of one thing: the car she left at the hotel's parking lot. She mentally face-palmed, deciding She'll get that back in the daybreak.

"(Name)," the stoic voice of her father called, stopping her in the middle of the flight of stairs, "we need to talk, now," it isn't a question, plain order, and the tone foreign to her. She never heard her father sound so vicious and she reckoned it has something to do with her.

And oh boy was she wrong.

"(Name), what happened at the hotel?"

Her father asked, sitting opposite her in his study that closely resembled her own. She did not hesitate to answer, "that kid you set me on a meet-up with caused a ruckus in the hotel and beat up the bartender."

"I knew it," her father whispered, "that boy smelled trouble from the beginning, we should've been more cautious."

"Dad, what happened?"

"He called me, saying some things about you, that bastard. If only he was in front of me I would've slit his neck myself," he spoke furiously.

"Father, it's alright,"

"No, it's not, no one has a right to disrespect the jewel of (Last Name) clan in such a manner." his voice laced with pride.

"Dad, thanks for protecting my honor,"

"Anytime for my daughter," he fell silent for a moment, "(Name), that brings me to another source of distress, what is your relationship with that Gojo boy?"

"Father, what do you---"

"You don't need to lie to me, I saw you both outside the manor premises a while ago," he leaned back, raising a brow, challenging his daughter to come up with an excuse.

"Father, don't expect me to delve deeper into this but I do harbor romantic feelings for him,"

"I see, even if he has a child?"

"Yes, even then,"

"We want what's best for you, just think thoroughly before making a decision, I would never wish a curse or regret on one of my owns," he dismissed her, motioning her to leave.

"Very well, Father,"

(Name) wasn't worried about her father finding out about her relationship with Satoru but what she was worried about was the so-called higher-ups getting the waft of the situation and then, it'll not be a matter of two hearts but two nations.

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