Chapter # 16

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"Welcome back, (Name)" She did not answer, she did not know how. There was something different about Saori. It was not a physical change, her eyes were vacant of any emotion.

"Good to see you too, Saori." (Name)spoke, her voice firm and authoritative. They stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"At least you can pretend to look happy to see me, I'm hurt, (Name),"

"I'll be saying this once, Saori, stop this madness."


"Alright," (Name) dropped her coat off of her shoulders, placing it at the side, "if that's the path you've chosen, so be it. I promised to stop you."

"That's the (Name) I know." Saori grabs the spear attached to her back, pointing at (Name) she grinned, "bring it on."

Holding her weapon straight, Saori was the first one to attack. (Name) swirled and dodged. Saori attacked again and again but (Name) dodged every time but only kept on defense and never attacked her.

"(NAME), WHY WON'T YOU GIVE ME A FAIR FIGHT?!" Saori was frustrated, how dare she underestimate her? She thrusts the spear towards (Name), the spear piercing her abdomen. (Name) might have misjudged her, Saori was no longer the sweet sixteen-year-old girl who liked to shop with her and go to their favorite spots to study but never get anything done. She was no longer her friend. She was just a traitor.

The spear flared out of her back, and Saori only pushed it more, She laughed, "I'm not so weak now, am I!?"

(Name)'s narrowed her eyes, spitting the blood to the side, "you wanna know why we can never have a fair fight?" Her hand firmly grasped the hilt of the spear breaking it in half.

(Name) kicked Saori and she flew a few yards away breaking some walls in the process. She brushed her hair back, "that reminded me, we've never really fought properly, just during training sessions back in school." (Name) clutched the broken half that was imbued in her stomach and pulled it out with one smooth motion.

Saori struck again, trying to land a hit on her, "here is the reason why we can't have a fair fight," (Name) blocked her hit and pummeled her. One punch and then another and another, "because we are not equals,"

(Name) figured she was losing stamina faster as her attacks became more and more desperate and frantic, she spoke; her voice did not hold any malice for her, "is this it, Saori? Are you that desperate to die by my hands?"

"SHUT UP!!! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT I WENT THROUGH, YOU ALWAYS HAD A PERFECT LIFE!!!" She screamed; her voice breaking, "you are nothing but a liar, just like everyone else," just like Suguru, "you and Nanami both always lied,"

(Name) let her go, "Was Satoru also lying?"

Saori's gaze immediately met hers, tears filling her eyes, "No, he did not."

"You care for him a lot, so why not give up this outrageous scheme and give yourself another chance?" (Name) let out, her voice soft as she remembered, "just think about how disappointed Satoru is seeing you walk down this path,"

"Sorry, (Name), I can't be redeemed, you don't have any idea of all the horrible things I've done." She told her, "I've killed innocent people just for him and that is not the worst of it, and the worst thing is I don't even feel any remorse over it."

(Name) knew she was involved in some messed up stuff but murdering innocent civilians? She was never told about any of it, "it's still not too late, Saori, you call us liars and receivers and I just want to prove your accusations wrong,"

"How..." Saori started laughing, holding onto her tummy, "you are just as naive as I remember, (Name), I guess some things never change..." She smiled and stood up on her feet, "I appreciate your dedication but... Just end this."

"What..." (Name) shocked at her request, took a few steps back, "you've done bat shit crazy, I'm not ending this."

"Why not?"

(Name) turned on her heels, she ignored her question, "(NAME), STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" she did not stop, (Name) looked around searching for her coat.

"AM I NOT EVEN WORTH BEING KILLED!!!" She yelled, running to attack her again.

(Name) flipped her, throwing her on her back,  she said, "stop it, this is ridiculous." She straightened her back, letting go of her twisted arm.

The girl looked crazed, there was no sign of the girl (Name) used to know. Instead there she saw a woman who has killed innocents just because she was told to, "I'm done here, I have places to be like stopping your boyfriend."

"Is that it?" the scarred girl chuckled to herself, "what a great friend you are if you can do what I asked of you then..." with a maniacal smile she pulled out a dagger, "I'll do it myself..."

(Name) eyes widened at the sight, She screamed, "SAORI, NO!!!" the dagger was plunged into her heart by herself.

The girl fell on her knees, She looked up giving her final genuine smile. At that moment, (Name) saw the girl she used to know, "No one to blame--- more than me..." she fell over, banging her face into the concrete floor underneath.

"Saori..." (Name) stumbled and fell by her side, "please be alive..." she checked her breath, Saori was barely breathing, "damn it... Why would you do this!?"

(Name) picked her up, she needed to find help for her and even the girl wanted to due, (Name) will not let her get off the hook that easily.

In a distance, down the street, she saw a familiar greyhead. (Name) jumped off the building with Saori in her arms, "Satoru! She needs help---" her eyes landed on the injured man that was being supported by the brick wall.

"(Name)?" the squatting white-haired man was surprised to see her with a dead Saori in her arms.

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