Chapter # 19

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The warm air of the little shop warmed her and the sweet fragrances made her drool with anticipation. This place was heaven for people like Satoru Gojo. He was already standing by the counter, chatting away with the employee, and (Name) can see the hearts in her eyes as she gazed at the man in front of her.

Shaking her head, she followed behind him. Observing the samples she could see the employee eying her from the corner of her vision.

"(Name), what would you like?"

"I haven't decided yet," she answered, her eyes drifting to the employee. She looked away as soon as she noticed her staring.

"Take all the time you need,"

"Is that you Satoru!?" an old lady with grey hair and quite a few wrinkles on her face approached her, "my, I was so worried when you did not visit for two whole weeks."

"I was just busy with my job, how are you doing, Mrs. Sano?" Satoru greets the old lady with a smile, and the woman returned with one of her own.

"I'm well, who is this young lady with you?" she scrutinized (Name) from head to toe, "is she your lover?"

"No, Mrs.Sano, This is (Name). She is visiting Japan." Satoru chuckled, while (Name) looked scandalized.

"It is nice to meet you, Mrs. Sano."

"A foreigner? I love your eyes, so full of life." (Name) following the tradition gave a bow to the woman, showing her appreciation.

"That reminds me, when is Saori getting back from her trip overseas? Is she planning on staying there forever?" The old woman questioned, it was obvious she was unaware of what happened.

"She'll be back soon, Mrs. Sano." Satoru smiled, It was strained. He did not wish to talk about this particular topic.

"I think I've decided what I want to eat." (Name) placed a hand over his shoulder, catching the attention of the man, "I want (Favorite sweet dish) and (Favorite Hot Drink)."

"Of course, the usual for you, Satoru? I suppose you'll be seated in your regular seat as well?"

"Of course, Mrs.Sano."


Satoru led (Name) to his regular spot, which was at the back of the cafe/bakery and was secluded. (Name) tried tugging her wet coat off but Gojo tugged it off for her. he also pulled out a chair for her and then set himself opposite her.

"The rain hasn't stopped." (Name) looked out of the glass window, the drops of rain sliding down the glass and making patterns in their wake.

"It hasn't and I don't think it'll stop in the next few hours." Satoru tried very hard to not look down her face at her wet flannel shirt. He averted his gaze to the pedestrians outside, "so, (Name), tell me about your life back in (Native Country)..."


"I heard a rumor a while ago, about this vigilante from your country,"

"Vigilante?" (Name) stirred her drink, for the last hour or so they have been chatting about any topic they can come up with.

"I think it was called The Chameleon or was it The Raven?"

"Ah, The Chameleon one? Sadly I think it's just a rumor." (Name) sipped her drink not alarmed by the gossip going around the sorcery world.

"Well, that can't be true, The Chameleon did take down one of the biggest corrupt Sorcerer Family in (Native Country),"

"Yes, they had that coming..." she murmured, stabbing her food with a fork, "they were rotten to the core, not just the sorcery world but the non-sorcerer world was not safe either."

"Say, (Name), who is the top family right now in (Native Country)?"

She looked thoughtful, "it's (Last Name), but I don't think what that has to do with the Chameleon."

"It has everything to do with the Chameleon,"
He smirked as if he just figured out her little secret.

"stop giving me that look and tell me what are you implying." She raised a brow, leaning back in her seat.

"Isn't it obvious? You are that Vigilante."

"Where is your proof?"

"I heard about that incident and thought to myself who can be so righteous and driven for her cause?"

"don't look so smug,"

"So I am right."

"Yes, you are, but I did not set the title myself. I was given it by the people."

"most of the people still don't know it was you. Wow, they had to be blind." He was surprised to know that most people failed to make the connection.

"It's not their fault, they did not even know I existed till high school."

"Wait really?!"

"Yes, but day by day more and more people are figuring it out, and in the coming times, it won't be a secret." She already had quite a reputation due to her family name. She groaned, placing her head in her hands, "but the worse part is not popularity, it's all these young heirs trying to seduce me."

"I saw that one coming from miles away..." Satoru was aware of the power-hungry elders and their bratty heirs.

"I wish I could fight them all but it's unbecoming for a young lady like myself."

"I agree, they'll make good punching bags."

"that they do, it's my little secret but whenever someone asks me on a date, I tell them to fight me for it." she laughed maniacally, "so far they have only gotten a couple of broken bones."

"Wow, that's evil."

"I know,"


"I enjoyed my time with you, (Name), I hope we do it again."

The rain ceased, but it was double the cold it was before. (Name)'s coat was still moist.  She did not wish to wear a damp coat. Gojo noticed her shivering, and he smiled.

He took off his coat and enveloped it around her shoulders. Surprised she uttered, "you don't have to do this..."

"but I want to,"

"Thanks." they walked side by side. The sun already disappeared, and the street lights were the only source of light. There was an air of comfortable surroundings for the pair.

"Did you hear that?" (Name)'s steps came to a halt. Gojo looked around, there were only a few pedestrians but nothing unusual.

"Hear what?"

"the sound of a child crying..." She told, shaking her head, "maybe it was nothing,"

"If you heard it, we shouldn't take any chances..."

"You are correct, let's look around someone can be in danger." She spoke with the resolution, walking into the alley, "I'm guessing that was the direction the sound came from."

"Let's check it out."

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