Chapter # 35

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Author's Note:

Hi! Sorry for the advanced Author's note, what I want to talk about is that this chapter is going to be in FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW; it's because I wanted to try something different If that makes sense. 

So, now that's out of the way, thanks to all folks for voting!


(Name)'s POV:

The days after the departure of Satoru and Saomi went by relentlessly, filling in the paperwork and killing curses; you know the usual tasks for a sorcerer of my caliber.
It is sometime in the evening, I am sitting on a wooden bench in the garden feeding the population of white peacocks. They are such proud creatures, with their beautiful feathers, beady eyes, and ugly feet; well no one is born perfect but you can achieve it through sheer hard work. But it comes with a price: losing your humanity, becoming nothing but a tool or a product of messed-up ideology--- well, we are getting off tracks, talking about ideologies, but this tale isn't about ideology, is it?

"(Name)!" Haqir is yelling from the other side of the garden.


"Oh, nothing, just wanted to see if you were alive," everyone in this household is unusual and loud, "what are you doing?"

"Telling the peacocks how lucky they are to be born as a peacock,"

"Do they listen?"

"Yes, unlike some people," I answered, why am I so pissed you might ask? That is because surprisingly just a week after the departure of Satoru, I'm being pushed into this blind date nonsense by none other than my blood I.e. My family.

"(Name)..." he shifted his weight from one foot to another, "you know I'll never let make a decision that you don't agree with?"

"No, I won't let them make the decision that I don't agree with,"

"Is it about him?"

"Who are you referring to?"

Haqir didn't meet my eyes, "never mind, what I am trying to say is that at the end of it, the decision will be yours and yours only," I am aware that they can't force me into anything but going out with another man when my heart belongs to Satoru, I wonder what he'll say to this?

"I'm happy for you,"

"Excuse me?" well, this is shocking, "are you saying that you are happy that I'll be going out with another man?"

"(Name), I'm just saying that it'll buy you more time to think of what you want from me, or do you want me or not?" he said, "I and Saomi are running out of time, (Name), I was visited by the lawyer hired by her grandparents today, they gave me court date of this Thursday and on that day, Saomi will be taken away from me,"

"Oh," I felt guilty about ranting about my supposed blind dates, Satoru sounded so anxious; I want to console him and tell him it was going to be okay but the words failed me.

"(Name), you still there?"

"Yeah," I clenched my hands, I know I am not ready to make such a big decision of marrying someone. I like Satoru, there is no doubt but I can't be selfish, "Satoru, marry someone, get the right to adopt Saomi."

"you know what you are saying,"

"Yes, I do. I don't want to be selfish and keep you waiting for me," the words broke my heart, the image of Satoru with another woman is frightening, "you told me about paper wives, I'm sure you can find a fitting person for this role,"

He did not answer for what felt like forever, "I'll think about it," he ended the call. I threw the phone on the table and dropped back on the chair. This was a tough choice, but it will surely benefit them, even when I'm left behind.

This was the right choice, even if my heart argued otherwise.


Narrator's POV :

(Name) dressed in formal attire, a sleeveless dress, and heels. The dress is flowy from her waist down and hugged her curves. Her hair is properly styled, courtesy of Arshi and she is also wearing makeup. She normally did wear makeup but it was to hide the little spots or dark circles this makeup style is way out of everyday makeup. The eyelids are adorned with different shades of golden, and sharp eyeliner; the cheeks are dusted with pink blush and the cheekbones are contoured to perfection. (A/N: do you guys like or dislike makeup? I think it makes you look pretty if done correctly but I'm too lazy to do it on daily basis,)

She looked gorgeous.

"I'll be dropping you off at your destination," Avan told her, dangling the car keys in front of her, "remember, if he tried anything, you have the liberty to kick him in the balls,"

"I'll keep that in mind,"

"Tch, sister drop that frown," he pulled her lips into a forced smile, "there you go, much better,"

"I'm gonna kick your balls if you don't let go of my face,"

"See, that's the attitude I want you to show that man who thinks he deserves the time of our precious (Name),"

"Don't encourage her," Abram joined them in the hallway, "she is already spoiled as it is,"

"Brother, no one asked for your opinion, so do keep it to yourself,"

"(Name), that's why your suitors are spooked of you," Abram is annoyed by how everything is some kind of a joke to their sister, "Everyone is too soft on you,"

"Give me a break, I dont think being trained for decades to climb the charts and become a weapon is being soft on me." she grabbed the keys from Avan, making her way to the main gate.

"Hey, idiot, at least ask for the address first! You dont even know where you are supposed to go," Avan ran after her, but she ignored his calls.

Abram shook his head, "What a troublesome brat," 

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