Chapter # 33

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"Mistress," a young servant girl entered the dining hall, out of breath, holding a crying Saomi, "mistress (Name), the young girl won't stop crying! I've tried everything..."

"Give her here---" (Name) stopped Satoru, halting him from standing, "it's okay, Satoru, you can eat dinner, I'll take care of her."

(Name) excused herself from the table, "hand her over," the servant girl hands the wailing child to her, "Saomi, what's wrong?" the young girl sniffled, ceasing her cries now that she is in familiar pair of arms.

"Was that your daughter?" Zayn asked.

"What about her mother? Where is she?" Avan quipped.

"Well, her mother is not alive," or her biological father.

"Damn, man, it must be hard to take care of a child all by yourself," Avan told him, "I judged you too early, and for that, I apologize. I thought you were a f---"

Zayn stuffed his mouth with a spoonful of cake, "don't mind his gags, he is a retard."

"Avan, at least filter your words in front of our guest," Abram spoke, wiping his face with a napkin.

"It's alright,"


"(Name)," he called her name, startling her as she has been in the deep muse. She looked up from the weapon she was polishing.


"What are you doing here all by yourself?" he takes a seat beside her on the wooden bench in the training areas of (Last Name) state.

"drowning in my reflection,"

"Poetic, I like it. What were you thinking of?"

"The world and its atrociousness,"

"I did not know you were a pessimist?"

"It's not pessimism, it's realism."

"Right, and this is not a work of fiction,"

"What do you mean?"

"my mother used to tell me stories about fairies, I did not know they were real until I met you,"

"Oh please, is this the reason you came here, to flirt?"

"It was one of the reasons," he states, "but the main reason is that we'll be leaving tomorrow,"


"I'm dying to hear from you how much you're gonna miss me," he leaned in, sliding his glasses off of his nose.

"don't ask the questions you already know the answer to," she uttered, "but just to satisfy you, I'm going to miss you, Satoru,"

"That's my girl!" he dropped an arm around her shoulders, "you know, I'm gonna miss you too, muffin."

"I can tell," (Name) lowered her head over his shoulders, "where is Saomi?"

"She is sleeping, this girl does only two things: sleeping and eating and occasionally crying,"

"That's what every child does,"

"yeah," he fell silent, relinquishing in her presence for what little time she had with him.

"You know, Satoru, we never decided who was stronger,"

"The charts don't lie, I'm the strongest,"

"The charts are highly biased, only taking into account your infinity, I bet I can kick your ass without it like the good old times."

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