Chapter # 11

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"Hey, Saori?"

(Name) asked the girl watching tv in the lounge, Saori was already dressed in her uniform, "yes, (Name)?"

"Have you seen my uniform? I can't find my skirt and blazer anywhere---" the door flung open revealing Gojo, smiling like a maniac.


Saori broke into giggles, "Satoru, what the hell are you wearing?"

(Name)'s eyes traveling down his torso, down his half-naked legs--- wait, half-naked legs!? he was wearing a skirt, HER SKIRT TO BE SPECIFIC!

"Satoru, stop right there, lemme bring my camera!" Saori ran to her room, Satoru on the other hand smiled smugly, walking with a sway in his hips.

"Do I not just look fabulous?"

"Take it off."

"Oh my, (Name)!" his hand reached his heart, swaying his arm dramatically, "at least take me on a date first!"

"Do I have to force it off of you!?"

"That is sexual harassment! How could you be so nasty? I'm throwing a lawsuit your way, just you wait!" Satoru was enjoying this very much, the girl was getting furious with every passing minute.

"Satoru, say cheese!" Saori was holding her camera up, waiting for him to strike a pose.

"Say less..." he made duck pout with his lips, winking to the camera. Saori giggled while taking pictures of Satoru in a skirt.

(Name) has had enough, she was done with his childish behavior. She grabbed the skirt pulling it all the way down to his ankles.

"(Name), why would you do this---" his ground was stolen from under his feet as he was thrown on his back in his underwear. The girl, on the other hand, was proud of her work as she threw the skirt over her shoulder.

"SATORU, GO WEAR PANTS!!!" Saori shrieked, covering her eyes. She never asked for her vision to be molested in such a way.

The boy, on the other hand, did not look ashamed at all. Satoru smirked, standing up on his feet, "(Name), now that you've seen me in my underwear, it's only fair for us to date."

(Name) ticked her tongue, she said, "Let's just say I'm not impressed enough after seeing you in underwear to go on a date with you."

The boy was hurt, no, he was simply devastated.

"SATORU GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR COMMON ROOM!!!" Saori shouted, with her eyes still closed, she blindly shoved him out of the door. She closed the door after he was outside.

"(Name), you okay? Are you not traumatized?"

(Name) was embarrassed to the core, but she was just too good at hiding it, "Nah, I'm fine."

"Seriously, that idiot, we were lucky he was in underwear or else..." Saori shuddered, she wanted to throw up at the thought.

"Lucky indeed, but I still can not find my blazer."


"Hey, Shoko! Why are sitting there all by yourself?" the three juniors greeted her.

"It's just Suguru and Satoru are out on a mission, leaving me alone to sulk." the senior laughed, the junior decided to sit by her.

"I was wondering why it was so quiet on the campus," Nanami said in his monotone voice.

"Well, peace is nothing but wistful thinking with Gojo around..." (Name) said, pulling her favorite chips bags out of her bag pack.

"Yeah, that reminds me! Shoko, I have rare photos of Satoru in a skirt, I thought why not share them with you?" Saori enthusiastically pulled out the photos.

"When did this happen!? And why wasn't I there!?"

"This very morning, Satoru stole (Name)'s skirt and was wearing it."

"Nice, are you planning on adding them to your album?" Shoko acquired, this was the highlight of her day.

"Of course I will, I just wanted to show you." Shoko gave the photos back to her.

"Nanami, don't you wanna see it too?"


"Your loss," Saori turned to Shoko, "we were planning to go to this cafe together, you are also invited."

"I'll be there,"


(Name) and Saori were sitting in the cafe, Shoko was yet to arrive. Nanami was taken on a mission at the last minute. The cafe was cozy, there were at least a dozen customers mostly students and young adults present there.

"Do you think we should order now?" (Name)'s eyes were glued to the menu.

"Just wait for Shoko, she will be here any time," Saori said, she was gazing at the road outside. It was going to be lunchtime soon, "(Name), do you not like Satoru?"


"It's just you guys are always having a banter." Saori's mouth turned into an 'o' as she had a sudden realization, "why did I not notice that before!?"

"You realize you are spewing nonsense."

"Oh my God! It isn't just a banter!? It's a lover's banter! The sexual tension! It's all adding up!" she screamed in one breath.

"Wow, calm down. What are you talking about?!" (Name) was confused, what has triggered such a rant from her friend?

"How can I be so blind!?" Saori was holding her head in her hands. How can she miss this big development around her? Maybe she was too occupied with herself.

"Saori, if you dont shut up; I'm gonna punch you." (Name) was getting embarrassed, and the customers were glaring their way for ruining the peace of the cafe.

"(Name), tell me in all honestly..." Saori looked her right in the eyes, "do you like my cousin?"

"WHAT?!" it was her time to be bewildered, "do you hear yourself right now? Do you even know what you are---"

"I know what I'm saying, just tell me already." Saori was impatient for her answer, "if you do, I dibs on bridesmaid."

(Name) was not sure where her friend got the idea that she liked him. (Name) liked nothing about Satoru Gojo, she hates his overgrown ego, his snarky smirk, his pretty blue eyes or silky hair; no matter how good-looking he was, (Name) did not feel anything for him.

'Liar...' a voice spoke from within her.

'Shut up, who are you anyway?'

'The narrator.'

'The what...'

"(Name), answer me? Why are you so quiet?" Saori snapped her out of her thoughts, "do you like Satoru, just tell me I won't judge."

"I don't like him, okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure." (Name) spoke, breaking their eye contact, "Shoko is still not here, should we call her?"

"Yes, I'll do it." Saori dialed her number, but the phone made a beeping noise when connected to the other line.

"Hey, Shoko---" there was a blast, (Name) thrown back and the glasses scattering around her. The fire burned her skin. Her eyes were blurred and her ears seemed to be not working as well.

The only thought running through her head was, "Saori..." and then she lost consciousness.

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