Chapter # 34

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(Name) can't see anything due to the blindfold wrapped around her eyes, but lack of vision was not an issue because her other senses are in a frenzy. He heard Satoru's smug voice echoing through the halls, "you know this might be the best duel of my life,"

"Quit acting so smug,"

"hehe, don't rain on my parade with your sore attitude," Satoru swung a kick at her head but she dodged closely, "you know, I've noticed something, your gifted senses are useless if the impediment is inanimate,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't sound so defensive, I just told you what I observed," (Name) swung her legs, his skull trapped between her thighs as his arm is secured by her hands: securing Satoru in a choke.

"You know if you are trying to break my arm, it's useless because I can just do this," She is picked up from the ground by just his arm, "see---"

"Who says I was trying to break your arm," she swung her body back, and with enough momentum, Satoru is thrown into the wall, breaking it in the procedure.

He stood up, grinning from ear to ear, "damn,  (Name) you dislocated my shoulder," he held up his lifeless arm dangling by his side, "but don't worry..." he held his arm up, pushing the joint back into the socket, "it did not hurt at all,"

"say, Satoru, how much stamina do you have?"


"Just wondering, because I'm kinda getting bored with our game,"

"Oh, planning on running me out of my stamina so you can win easily?" he laughed, attacking her again. She dodged his attacks, running back, "my, you are stuck, Muffin," she touched the concrete wall in front of her, cursing under her breath, "so my theory was correct, you can only sense living things without vision, how intriguing,"

She held her chin up, as Satoru moved toward her, "oh, please, I don't need eyes to defeat you,"

"Prove it,"

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you," She smiled, tapping the wall, "well, farewell," she is swallowed by the ground.

"(Name)!?" surprised Satoru screamed.

"What, I'm right here," she tapped his shoulder, then turned around she punched him.

"You played well, (Name),"

"Oh, I'm not done," the interior around them started reshaping itself, swallowing Satoru in its wake, "how bothersome, I have to fix it all after I'm done with you,"

"Hilarious, (Name), fixing your mess on top of getting a taste of defeat must be tiresome,"

"Keep dreaming,"

"No, I won't," his middle finger curled around his pointer, (Name) recognized the stance, "Domain Expansion, infinite void." she is too late, and Satoru laid his domain.

She is thrown into a void as batches over batches of knowledge ran through her head in just milliseconds, "what the hell!"

"Sorry, (Name)," he turned off his domain, and the girl disoriented fell in his arms, Satoru took off her blindfold; her eyes are glossy.

"You..." she uttered, her voice distant, "...brat, don't ever do that again."

"I apologize," he looked guilty of his act but this was the only way for him to win against her without his infinity.

"Bro, did you see that?!"

"He used his domain to defeat (Name)!"

"That was not very manly of you, Gojo!"

"I forgot about you all," (Name) pushed herself out of Satoru's embrace.

"I can't believe (Name) got defeated," Abram muttered, pushing his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, well it was supposed to happen some day, she isn't completely invincible,"

"stop gossiping," (Name) huffed, annoyed at their shameless gossip, "I'm going to my room," she stretched, a yawn leaving her.

Satoru stepped up, "I'll escort you---"

"Nah, man, you go your way, that leads to your room. Your daughter must be awake because of all the racket you two made," Avan stopped him from following (Name).

"Right, (Name)! I'll see in the morning!" he yelled after her, earning glares from her brothers. (Name) raised a hand, signaling she heard him.


The morning came as quick as any other, (Name) groaned, still half sleep. She looked at the clock, it is eight o'clock. In her hazy mind, she remembered Satoru and Saomi are supposed to departure from (Native Country).

"(Name), sweetheart, you aren't up for your morning jogs today?" her mother asked as she entered the dining hall.

"Yeah, I was tired,"

"I heard what happened last night,"

"Right, everyone in sorcery world probably knows that by now considering how fast news travel in this household," She muttered, stabbing her breakfast with a fork.

"(Name), sweetheart, are you upset?"

"No, mother," she shook her head, "a true warrior faces their defeat like they do every victory, besides, there was nothing to be upset over. I've acknowledged this long time ago that Satoru is stronger,"

"I'm happy to know what you are not immature anymore," her mother patted her head, "you know the time when you were six---"

"Mom, I remember, please it wasn't embarrassing back then but now that I think about it it was pathetic of me whine over a rematch with Abram,"

"You were stubborn to the boot,"

"I still am, mother,"

"Good morning, Satoru!" her mother greeted him, "I don't see Saomi with you?"

"she is still asleep," he answered taking a seat in opposite to (Name).

"Did I mention how (Name) somehow hated sleeping when she was young,"

"Mom..." there goes more of her integrity as her mother recites the tales about her childhood to Satoru.

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