Chapter # 15

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(Name) was seated on the chair of her study, reading the papers she was given that day. Now, twenty-six-year-old no longer a girl but a woman, was scribbling on the paper, mindlessly chewing at her lip. Her reverie breaks as she heard her phone ring.

(Name) picked it, the monotone voice of her classmate spoke, "(Name), they were here at Jujutsu tech." his voice sounded restless.

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"Suguru along with Saori..."

She exclaimed, "What!? Nanami, she is---"

"Yes, she is his accomplice, been doing it all this time, betrayed the whole sorcery world for him," she can picture the betrayed and furious fave of Nanami and she was sure she was supporting the same reaction.

"So, what is her punishment?" the man on the other line of call fell silent, "I get it, you don't have to speak about it out loud..."

"There is no other option, (Name)," Nanami's voice was tired, she can tell how exhausting it must be to speak out for a friend who betrayed you.

"did you at least try to convince her---"

"I did try, God, I'm exhausted, (Name). She is long gone, isn't coming back. You should at least try accepting it."

"Just---" she paused gathering the right words to say, "let me speak to her, I'll leave for Japan now. If she does not listen to my voice of reason, I'll... execute Saori myself."


"Are you sure she'll be there?" the woman with burned scars all over her face, glanced at the man with long raven hair. He was sitting on a throne, his eyes just as uninterested as ever.

"I'm sure,"

"But does she have the guts to kill you?"

"No, she does not." Saori's eyes wandered down to the floor, she was aware (Name) will never hurt her.

"You sound so confident in your claim," Suguru leaned on his hand, a vicious grin stretching over his lips, "what if she does, would you be willing to die by her hands?"

"I've hurt them enough as it is, my pain nothing compares to what I've put them through."

Suguru sighed and rubbed his tired eyes, "was my loyalty worth losing your two friends?"

Saori did not answer, her gaze lingering at the man in front of her. The man she has given her everything to, the man she loved more than anything, "yes, it was."

Suguru laughed, he already knew her answer, "You sound like a lunatic,"

"That makes the two of us," She smiled softly.

"Come here." Suguru motioned her to sit by his side on his throne, "you know there is nothing I love in this world more than you, Saori?" he wrapped his arms around the woman, bringing her closer.

"I know."

"Sweetheart, that's why I'm creating this new world without those monkeys, just for you and I."

Saori caressed his arms and shoulders, her eyes searching his, she asked, "will we finally be happy?" Suguru gazed into her lifeless eyes, the sparkle she once had was not there anymore, only cold metallic irises staring back in his soul and chilling him to the bone.

"Of course, we will be! You'll have everything you deserve and more!" a white lie, the woman smiled at his deceitful eyes, the eyes she came to adore. 

"I love you, Suguru." yet not believe you.


(Name) was in contact with Nanami when she landed in Japan, "we are Kyoto, everyone is on high alert. Gojo is also here. I'm sure we can win this fight without any setbacks."

"But did you see her?"

"No, I haven't seen her, neither anyone has seen Geto. She will be wherever He is." Nanami responded.

"I see, the Jujutsu tech is completely vulnerable---" (Name) came to a halt, "why am I sensing something fishy about all this Geto challenging Gojo, He is sure to lose. Then why?"

"I don't know, I don't think Gojo knows the answer as well." Nanami surveyed the area from the top of the building, his eyes sweeping over each individual down there.

"Seems like Geto has something cooked up his sleeve." (Name)'s mind was analyzing each outcome of this battle, "I'll be joining you in Kyoto soon, bye" she ended the call, watching the sky above.

'Saori, give me a benefit of the doubt, and please let me help.' She was anxious, breathing in the air of Japan after nine years. It was time for her to visit Jujutsu tech.


Nothing changed about the old school, the same buildings surrounded by trees and shrubs. It was empty, Nanami was right there was no one at the school. She turned on her heels, it was useless for her to visit, She was needed back in Kyoto and she is wasting time---

The earth underneath her feet shook, "an earthquake?" it shook again, this time accompanied by explosions in the distance. She sprints towards the explosion, skipping over the roofs and walls.

(Name) landed gracefully on the ground, he was right there, fighting a teenager.

"You are finally here, I've been waiting for you." the familiar voice spoke, (Name) twisted her head looking at the woman standing in the shadows.


"Welcome back, (Name)."

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