Chapter # 18

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"(Name), you are back already?" Nanami's voice resonated in the apartment and soon he poked his head through his bedroom.

"Oh yes, I am." she took off her shoes at the doorway and lined them with the Nanami's.

"What happened?" (Name) plopped herself on his couch, she did not know what to tell Nanami. Who was that woman? Was she his lover? Or a friend---

"(Name)? I asked what's wrong?" Nanami asked shaking her shoulder a little. He takes a seat beside her, "you looked lost for a moment."

"Nothing's wrong, we did not meet that's all." She smiled, trying to reassure Nanami. He just bobbed his head, trying to make sense of what possibly could've happened. Because Nanami was no fool, he knew she was lying.

"Alright," 'he should've been at his apartment, he was supposed to be on a few days' leave. Maybe he went abroad to clear his head.'

"Anyway, can we stop talking about Gojo? What about you? Do I have to worry about any competition for your affection?" she smiled mischievously, and Nanami blushed, "oof, there is someone isn't there?"

"It's not what you think," the man tried his best to hide his bashful look, "I don't have anyone I have eyes for---"

"Liar, I can see through you, Kento, now tell me who is this lucky girl?" She raised a brow. (Name) a handful of times used his given name, only when she was solemn.

"I told you no one,"

"Spit it out or I'll throw you out of the window,"

"Alright! There is someone I admire."

"Oh, sweet tea, spill it!"



"It's the bakery girl..."



"Does she have a name?"

Nanami mumbled something but (Name) did not hear him.


"I said I don't know her name!"

Laughter spilled from her mouth at his response, "omg, Nanami, this is hilarious!"

"Shut up."

"Is she pretty?"


"Now, I want to meet her myself," she stood up, pulling him along with her.

"(Name), where are you going?"

"We are going to the bakery."

"No, we are not going anywhere." he stopped her before she could pull them out of the door.

"We are and you will be asking her for her name, got it?"

"(Name), it's not as I don't want to ask for her name, but..." Nanami trails off, his eyes looking everywhere but at the girl in front of him.

"But? Is it about your job, Nanami?" (Name) placed her hands over her hips, "is it because you are a sorcerer?"

"You know how dangerous it is to do the work we do, risking our lives every day," he spoke, (Name) was aware of such uncertainties very well. She knew what it takes to go into battles with curses and it's not just raw strength. A person needs much more than limitless power and that's the will to fight, "I fear one day they'll wake up and find that I am gone..."

A slap echoed through the apartment, and (Name) slapped Nanami. Her eyes were furious as she told him, "don't you dare say those words ever again, I will rip your eyebrows."


"It's your choice if you want a significant other or not, but don't let your duty hold back your happiness." with that she was gone, leaving the blonde man by himself.


"(NAME)!!!" she heard her name being yelled in the middle of the street. She already knew who this person was without even using her gifted senses, "(Name), I've finally found you."

"Hello, Gojo."

"No need for formalities, just call me by my given name," he smiled, "you wanted to talk to me, right?"

"Oh, I guess, but it's not important," She sauntered down the busy streets alongside him.

"Why is it not important?"

"Because it's not."

"There must be a reason..."

"The reason is that I said so."

"You are just as stubborn as I remember..."

"You are just as much of a nuisance as I remember..." She scoffed, stuffing her hands inside her pockets.

"I missed this..." Gojo smiled, dropping his arm over her shoulders.

"I did not know I had such an impact on your life," 'you did more than that, (Name),' the memories of his 'crush' rushing his mind. Satoru was sure he was over that phase of his life and he no longer harbored nagging feelings for her.

The thunder clapped as it started pouring buckets of water from the sky. The people around them opened the umbrellas immediately, "oh crap I did not bring an umbrella,"

Gojo eyed her from the corner of his vision, she ran to get shelter from the pouring rain. (Name) looked back at him, coming to a halt, "are you not coming? You are going to be wet,"

"Don't worry, I can't get wet from the rain." Gojo points at his head with a smirk. The droplets stopping few inches over his head.

"Of course," she just rolled her eyes, looking forward searching for a shelter from the cold rain.

"Come with me..." she did not notice but he was now by her side, pulling her with him to unknown destination.

Author's Note:

Nanami is love, Nanami is life and if someone says otherwise they can catch these hands.


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