the alleyway

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It was really late on a Friday night and you were walking home alone from a friend's house. Luckily, the streets were quiet, but for some reason that made you feel less safe. A couple more blocks and then I'm home- you thought to yourself. Suddenly, you heard a clang in the alleyway that was just ahead of where you were walking. You froze. You really wanted to investigate, you are naturally extremely curious so you slowly walked toward the alley and peeked around the corner. ROBOTS?!

"Krang must find the one known as (y/n)."

"Yes Krang, where does Krang find the one known as (y/n)?"

They must be talking about a different (y/n). You've never seen these things in your life. What in the world could they possibly want with you? I have to get out of here. You waited until their backs were turned and crept past the wide alley. Unfortunately, there was a soda can lying on the ground on the sidewalk that wasn't lit up by the streetlights. You ended up kicking it and it obviously made a noise. Shit.  The robots turned around and you hated what one said next.

"It is the one known as (y/n). Seize the one known as (y/n)."

They started charging at you. Holy shit they have guns. You run as fast as you can, but you knew that they were going to catch up to you before you got home. They were fast and too close behind you. You still ran as fast as you could. Their metal footsteps were loud and got louder as they got closer. You were so panicked that you turned and ran down what you thought was going to be another street but you turned into an alleyway. A dead end. This is it, I don't know what they want from me but it cannot be good. 

You suddenly hear noises above you, but you assumed it was just some pigeons or something, you were more focused on the dozen or so robot alien things that were standing in front of you. "Come with Krang (y/n). You can do come the easy way or the hard way."

"How about the hard way!" said a voice above you.

"It is the ones known as the turtles." the Krang said as they shot towards the buildings.

They were no longer pointing their weapons or looking at you, so you took the opportunity to find an escape route. You watched as a figure jumped down on top of a robot and the robot collapsed. Then two more figures started attacking the Krang. You ran as fast as you could against the wall of a building, but you weren't fast enough. A cold metal hand grabbed your arm and slammed you on the ground. When it slammed you down, your head fell back and hit the ground extremely hard, making you cry out in pain. "Krang has the one known as (y/n). Let us leave Krang."

"Ah ah, not so fast!" said another voice as the owner of the voice knocked the Krang off of you. 

"Donnie, get the girl out of here." said an assertive and commanding voice.

"Already on it Leo!" said the figure that knocked the robot off of you. As he got closer you realized something. He's a TURTLE??? "If you come with me, I can get you to safety." He leaned down and smiled at me. He had a kind look on his face and you had a feeling he wasn't going to hurt you. Since you were still in shock, all you did in response was nod. He scooped you off the ground and held you tight and turned you around onto his back as he ran to the nearest fire escape and started climbing. When you looked back, you saw three other turtles fighting the few Krang that were left. When you and the turtle guy made it to the roof of the building, he scanned the area and set you down gently. 

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