date night(?) prep

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Donnie's POV

I walked her back to the lab and once we got in, I sat down at the table we were sitting at earlier. "So do you want food or something for when we go up? I don't know how long we'll be up there for and it will be a while after dinner," I asked her.

"Oh yeah, sure! Food would be great, just like snacks?" (y/n) said as she sat down on the stool next to me.

"Yeah probably, if you want, we can go check the kitchen for what we have in a little bit. Also, I might have a projector and a speaker somewhere, I can hook it up to my laptop and we can watch a movie, but only if you want to, we don't have to," I suggested. Please say yes to that, please.

"That sounds fun! My head feels completely fine now and has been pretty much all day. I don't think I had a concussion, it just hurt for a bit. A movie will be relaxing. It has been quite the day. It's just going to be you and me right?"

"Yep! Just you and me, if the others came it would not be relaxing. Mikey has too much energy, Raph would be bored and look for trouble, and Leo would just want to watch Space Heroes," I assured her. She smiled at me. God, I love how she smiles so much, her smile is so cute. I smiled back and said, "So since we're going to watch a movie, do you have any ideas?"

"I have a couple of ideas, I don't know about you, but I love romantic and comedic movies. What do you like?"

"I'm really good with whatever, you can choose, I'm not picky!" I quickly replied. I wanted tonight to be as enjoyable for her as possible. She's gone through a lot in the past day, so she deserves this. I also wanted it to be as close to a date as possible, so I wanted to make a good first impression and make her happy with what we do.

"Okay! I'll think of something and surprise you then," she smirked, then her tone changed, "So.. um, I put a bit of thought into an idea I had, but I don't know what you'll think about it."

"About the movie?" I asked, confused since she just said she'd tell me later.

"No, not about the movie. About my family's apartment. Since there isn't anyone there, we could get food there. And like... since I'm not going home anytime soon, or possibly even never, do you think I could go get some more of my things?" she asked with a nervous smile.

I didn't know what to tell her, so I thought for a moment. After a couple of moments, I thought of something to say. "Yes, but first I want to go scout out your house and take a look inside myself. The Krang might have set traps or video surveillance to keep an eye on the place in case you return. But, I can go look for you when we're ready to leave, then I'll come back and let you know if I find anything. If I don't find anything, then we can go and pick up food and get your things tomorrow night."

"Thank you Donnie! There are a lot of things I would like to bring down here to decorate my room and a bunch of other clothes and stuff," she said as she hugged me.

"Haha yeah, no problem (y/n)! So do you want to go check the kitchen here just to see what we have? Just in case?" She nodded in response and began to get up. I wasn't confident that the apartment would be clear for us, at least for today, since her family was taken today. I looked at the clock on the wall, 5:30 PM. Three more hours.

"Yeah sure, I'll be right back," she called as she walked out the door. I rushed and put together a bag of some things I wanted to set out on whatever rooftop we went to. By the time I finished, it was perfect timing since she walked back into the lab as I put the last thing in the bag. "Okay, so I did find some things, I found some crackers, fruit, and popcorn, which isn't popped yet," she reported as she lifted herself and sat on the table. "What's that bag?" she asked as she pointed to the bag I just put together.

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