finally in your new home

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The lair was a big open space. All you could see was a living room area with a small T.V., a punching bag, and a pinball machine of sorts, and actually, the lair was overall nicer than you expected. "Wow Donnie! This is actually really nice," you told him as enthusiastically as your tired self could say.

"Thanks (y/n)! It's really late and I would love to give you a tour, but you need to rest. We luckily have a spare bedroom that you can have just down this hallway over here." He took you and your things over to said spare bedroom and opened the door. Inside was a decently sized bed and a nightstand with a small lamp on it. There were a couple of shelves on the walls and a small closet next to the door. Donnie set you on the bed and your stuff on the floor. "Do you need anything (y/n)? My room is down the hall to the right if you ever need anything." 

You looked up met with his beautiful brown eyes, "I think I'm good, I'm so tired I don't even want to take off my makeup or change."

He looked into your (e/c) eyes and smiled. "Okay then, I guess I'll see you later! Good night (y/n)! I hope you sleep well!" 

"Good night Donnie," you smiled back.

He walked out the door and waved as he left, leaving you alone in your new room. It was cozy but could definitely use a touch of decorating. You got up and moved your bags closer to the closet and went back to the bed and flopped onto it. You sighed. I guess this is my life now. You lay there for about a minute and turned onto your back and stared at the ceiling. Moments later, you fell into a deep sleep.

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