turtle hugs

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After leaving Donnie's lab, you went back to your room. You sat down on your bed. You wanted a moment to think before calling your parents. That moment of thinking turned into 10 minutes. And then 30 minutes. And then an hour and a half. Your review consisted of your plan of every detailed part of your lie that you needed to tell your parents, though your mind slipped to hanging out with Donnie many times. Once you felt ready, you called your mom. The phone just rang. It rang and it rang, but she didn't pick up. You called your dad. It rang and rang and he also didn't pick up. Odd, you thought, there is no reason for them not to pick up. They've been calling and texting me all day, I'd assume they're worried and confused. I guess I'll try my sister

You called your sister not expecting her to pick up either, but the ringing stopped. "The object which is known as a cell phone keeps making noise, Krang. Does Krang know why the object which is known as a cell phone keeps making noise?" You immediately hung up. They found your family. What were the Krang doing with them? They wanted me, they probably found out where I lived and went there. I wasn't there so they took my family instead. You teared up and started crying. The point of you moving underground was so that bad things wouldn't happen and the Krang wouldn't find you. Instead of just caring about finding me, they took my family hostage to most likely interrogate them about my whereabouts and there is nothing I can do to help. You started crying harder and wiped your mascara-stained tears from your face. You searched for your makeup wipes, but then you remembered they were all the way in the bathroom. Running out of your room, you were en route to the bathroom, still crying, when you saw Leo and Raph in the kitchen getting a snack.

"Hey (y/n), what's wrong?" Leo called to you seeming concerned.

You didn't reply. You continued to run until you got into the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind you. Grabbing your makeup wipes out of the drawer, you heard a knock on the door. "What?" you said as you started wiping away your wet mascara.

"Hey, it's Leo. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you managed to say.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but you didn't look fine. Can I come in or you come out or something?"

You didn't say anything. You could see his shadow under the door and he stood there for a while. Eventually, he walked away and you heard Raph say, "She's probably crying 'cause she doesn't want to live with a bunch of freaks like us, just leave her alone Leo she'll get over it."

"No Raph, I think something is really wrong. She has seemed fine with the fact that she has to live with us, so it's something else I just don't know what."

They started walking further away and you could no longer hear their conversation. You threw away the dirty makeup wipe and you, still crying, walked out of the bathroom and towards the lab. You needed a hug. His hug. 

You opened the big door and this time he was facing a direction where he could see you when you walked in.

"Hey (y/n), how did the..." he stopped and stared at you. "Oh my gosh (y/n) are you okay? How long have you been crying for and what happened?" he frantically said while running over towards you. He stopped in front of you and lightly put his hands on the sides of your shoulders. "Hey, c'mon what's wrong, you can tell me." You looked up at him and his face was full of worry and concern. The two of you just stared into each other's eyes for a moment before you hugged him. Donnie seemed surprised by your sudden movement, but then he wrapped his arms around you and the two of you just stood there and hugged while you tried to calm down. 

Once you felt like you were calm enough to tell him what happened you loosened your hug a little bit. "Alright (y/n)," he said as he moved your (h/c) hair out of your face, "can you tell me what happened?"

"It- It's the Krang. I called my parents and neither picked up. I called my sister and one of those fucking robots picked up. The Krang got them Donnie and there is nothing I can do. Please be honest with me, I don't care that I'm already emotional, but do you have any idea what will happen to them?"

"Oh no no no no I'm so so sorry," his eyes went wide, and he hugged you a little tighter, "Do you think they would give in to interrogation and tell the Krang where you are? Even though they think you're in Japan?"

"No, I- I don't think they would tell them, why?"

"Well, I'm also so so sorry I have to tell you this, but we've found that when the Krang have a living thing that they find useless," he paused and looked back into your eyes with a single tear falling down his face, "They experiment and then mutate whatever or whoever they find useless. I'm so sorry (y/n)."

You wiped the tear off of his face with your thumb. You didn't say anything. Your tears just fell faster and you went back into the tighter hug. You just stood there, embracing each other silently. Then, "(y/n)?"

"Yes Donnie?"

"We don't have to go out tonight if you don't want to anymore. I would completely understand if you didn't wa-..." you held your finger up to his mouth to silence him.

"It's okay, I still want to go," you smiled up at him, "it will be a good distraction. I also really would like some fresh air." You lightly laughed at the last part. He smiled at you and nodded as the two of you separated. 

"Finally! I was wondering when the two of you would break it up, let's go. Splinter called a family meeting in the dojo." Raph said from the door which made the two of you whip around to face him. He rolled his eyes and walked back out, making the two of you the only ones in the lab once more. You knew your face was pink from not only crying but also from blushing. You looked at Donnie out of the corner of your eye and you could see his face was also pink. He was nervously playing with his hands again, so you grabbed one of them and the two of you walked hand in hand to the door.

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