leaving home

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"Hi (y/n), my name is Leo and that's Raph and this is Mikey," he introduced as he gestured to Raph and Mikey. Raph rolled his eyes and Mikey waved with a giant grin, it was funny how big his grin was but it was cute. "I'm sure you heard at least some of what we said, so unfortunately you're no longer safe up here on the surface. Our lair is underground in the sewers, but trust me it's not as bad as it sounds. You can either leave your house tonight or we can get you early in the morning before the sun comes up. Just keep in mind the Krang will still be after you, so do not leave your home without at least one of us if you want to leave in the morning. I know this is a lot to take in and it will be probably a difficult transition, but until we find out the Krang's plans, if I were you, I'd come with us."

"Well shit. You're right Leo, it is a lot to take in. But what about my family and my friends? What the hell am I supposed to tell them? I'm going to live with a family of giant turtle boys that live in the sewers until they find out why alien robots are trying to kidnap me?"

"Don't forget a giant rat man, he's chill though so don't you worry brah," Mikey added.

"Thank you very much, Mikey," Donnie sighed as he sarcastically thanked his brother. "I have a possible solution. It's currently June, are you on summer break yet (y/n)?"

"Yeah, it started last week," you replied not seeing where this could be going.

"Okay fantastic! You could tell your family and let other people know that you wrote an essay to go on a foreign exchange trip somewhere. Probably Japan because Splinter has an accent so that if anyone wants proof they can speak with him, over the phone of course. But anyways, you wrote an essay to win the chance to go on a many-month-long trip to Japan, and you were accepted! The only thing is you need to leave tonight or early in the morning in order to go." Donnie explained very quickly.

"Wow Donnie, that's actually a really good idea! I've always wanted to visit Japan, so hopefully, that will help persuade people that's actually what I'm doing. That's actually brilliant!" you exclaimed. Wow, I can't believe he came up with that on the spot, this might actually work. But there was one person you were afraid wouldn't believe you. "Donnie my head still really hurts, I don't know if this is a weird question, but do you mind taking me home?"

"Of course not! Just tell me where to go and I'll take ya!" he smiled. You noticed his teeth had a gap, but it was actually really cute.

"Okay... we'll meet you back at the lair. I'll text you if Splinter says no." Leo told Donnie.

Donnie nodded in reply, then the others jumped back down into the alleyway. "Alright (y/n), which direction?" he questioned as he scooped you off the rooftop and held you like a baby. 

"That way, I'll let you know once we're there, I have a fire escape on my window, so that makes it easy," you replied as you pointed towards your apartment building. Dang, this guy has a tight grip.

Donnie ran with you and jumped from building to building until you told him that you guys had made it to your building, then he proceeded down to your window. "Okay (y/n), do you want to leave tonight or early in the morning?"

"I'm not a morning person, so tonight I guess. Oh, Donnie, do you mind helping me pack? I think only my sister is home and she's most definitely in her room with no intentions of coming out, but my head really hurts, so I may need help." you mumbled the last part, slightly embarrassed because you knew your room was a mess.

"Of course, I don't mind!" he answered quickly as he opened my window. "Holy chalupa it's messy in here, but don't worry my room isn't much better." he laughed. 

You laughed with him and told him what shirts and pants to grab and put in your suitcase. As he started on that, you snuck to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of boxes of tampons and pads and all of your toiletries, makeup, and skincare things and shoved them into a duffel bag. When you got back to your room, Donnie was almost done packing up more clothes than you thought was possible to fit in the suitcase. 

"Do you need anything else (y/n)?"

"Yeah, but I can get them it's okay," you smiled at him. You proceeded to grab bras and underwear and shove them in the duffel bag with your bathroom things. Once you took a last look around your room to make sure nothing important was forgotten, you wrote a note to your family explaining the essay and the trip and that you would call them once your plane landed in Japan. 

"Ready to go (y/n)?" Donnie asked as he climbed out the window. 

"Yeah, let's go, Donnie," you said as you threw the duffle bag over your shoulder and went out the window. Donnie pulled the suitcase from your room, scooped you up, and descended to the alleyway next to your apartment building. 

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