the dojo

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A/N - (y/n/n) is your nickname

Also I hope you all are enjoying this, I'm having a lot of fun writing it :))


Hand in hand, you and Donnie walked out of the lab and across the living room. The living room was empty. " Do you think that everyone is already in the dojo?" you asked.

"Most likely, if there is a meeting, especially if it's called by Splinter, the guys and I will normally get there pretty quickly. I'm gonna take a guess and I bet this is about you. But don't worry about it. It is most likely to just get things sorted out. I'll ask Splinter about taking you to the surface." Donnie said as he led you to the dojo.

"Thanks Donnie, I really hope this works out because now I don't have a family to go back to once you guys figure out what's up with the Krang." You sighed and he squeezed your hand.

"(Y/n), I hope that you realize that you have a family here now. I know it's not the same as your actual biological family, and I know that it might take some time to adjust, but I want you to know that I'm really happy that you're here. You could have chosen to move away or stay with family somewhere else, but you chose to stay here. And also thank you for not being weirded out by us."

Holy shit that was beautiful.

You smiled at him and mouthed thank you to him as the two of you let go of each others hands and walked into the dojo. Leo, Raph, and Mikey were indeed all in there standing by a beautiful tree. Splinter was no where to be seen, but there was someone else with the others.

"Casey!" you exclaimed as you ran over to him

"Hey (y/n/n)! I never though I'd see you down here! You okay?" Casey embraced you in a hug as you crashed into him, almost knocking him over.

"I'm okay. Living down here doesn't seem so bad, it's just kinda weird. But I found out today that the Krang kidnapped my parents and sister and I asked Donnie and he said that they mutate people." You let go of him.

"Damn, I'm sorry (y/n). I wish there was something we could do. So you say you've talked with Donnie about that?"

"Yeah, I've hung out with him the most so far. He seems pretty cool. He's really nice and is fun to talk with. When I told him about my family, he comforted me and helped me calm down." You looked back at Donnie who was now talking with Raph. He was I looked at him and he smiled at me and gave a small wave. I smiled and waved back and then turned back to Casey. When you looked back to him, he had a frown and looked like he was suspicious of you.

"(Y/n), why HIM?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" You crossed you arms and frowned back.

"I know that dumb look of yours. When you looked at him, you had that dumb look that you do when you like like someone. Why him? He's a turtle. You haven't even known him for 24 hours! There are so many humans in this world, why do you like him?" he yell-whispered at you.

You just stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. "I um- I don't know. There is something about him that I really like. He's really nice, caring, understanding, smart, and I guess we had an immediate connection," you whispered.

"I can't believe you. Well, get over it. He's a turtle. It wouldn't and shouldn't work." Casey walked away over to Leo, leaving you to stand alone. What if he's right? A person and a turtle would never be accepted. We wouldn't be able to be together in public. Whatever, Casey is probably just trying to get into my head, steering me clear of any guy that I like, like usual.

You walked over to Donnie and could feel Casey burning a hole in the back of your head with his eyes. That's when you saw Splinter come in. Everyone lined up and and sat down. You sat next to Donnie who was as intently watching Splinter.

"So it has come to my attention that something has happened (y/n). We are concerned for you. Would you be willing to share with us what is wrong?"

You knew Leo told him. It was nice that he cared and was concerned, but you would have preferred him to come to you himself and ask about it. You then looked at Donnie who was already looking at you. He smiled when you met his eyes. "It's okay (y/n). You told me and the others should know too," he whispered as he grabbed your hand.

"Well, I called my parents a while ago and they didn't pick up. Then I called my sister and one of those Krang guys answered her phone. So my family has been kidnapped by the Krang. I asked Donnie what they might do to people, especially if they don't want to cooperate. He said that they probably have been mutated," you managed to say without crying. Donnie grabbed and squeezed your hand. No one said anything.

"Thank is very unfortunate, I am very sorry (y/n). You are welcome to stay with us as long as you need to. But with staying with us, there will be a couple of rules for you. No going to the surface, no wandering around the sewers alone, and that's it's. Two rules is simple enough that they should never be broken. Does anyone have any questions?" Splinter seemed chill about you staying, but no going to the surface? At all?

"Um, Master Splinter? I have a question," Donnie finally said.

"Yes Donatello?"

"What if (y/n) could go to the surface? What if she was supervised and only left at night so that we can stay with her? I don't think it would be fair for her to be stuck down here after being up there her whole life," Donnie said.

Splinter paced back and forth and stroked his beard while he thought. He thought for a long time which made you nervous, but then he stopped pacing and stood in front of you. "If I were to say yes, you may go up to the surface, would you follow a rule of always having at least one turtle with you?"

"Of course! Yes, I would always have one of them with me!" You weren't even willing to break that rule. It wasn't worth it to break since it would be dangerous to go alone.

"Well in that case, yes, you may go to the surface," Splinter said as he turned to Donnie, "Donatello, that was a very kind and thoughtful thing to do. Very good my son." Donnie smiled up at Splinter and nodded. "You are all expected to watch and guard (y/n) with your lives while she is up there."

The guys stood up and bowed. "Hai Sensei," they all said in unison.

"You are all dismissed," Splinter announced as he turned and headed deeper into the dojo. Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Casey left the dojo and Donnie helped you up.

"What time is it?" Donnie asked you as the two of you left the dojo and headed back to the lab.

You pulled your phone out of your side pocket of your leggings and told him "4:50 PM. When do you want to head up there?"

"Just when it gets dark. I can't go out when there is still sunlight, it risks me being seen. Is that okay with you? It will probably be around 8:30 to 9," Donnie replied.

"Yeah, that's good," you replied to his reply. You were trying to contain your excitement for tonight. You couldn't wait.

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