sweet dreams donnie

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Donnie's POV

We made it back to the turnstiles by the time I noticed that (y/n) was asleep in my arms. I wanted just to hold her forever, but she needed to sleep in her bed. I walked into the lair and the guys and Casey were sitting on the couch still watching TV. I crept over without being noticed. I slowly opened her door, holding her limp, asleep, body in my arms. I was hesitant to sit her down. I just wanted her to hold her forever. I laid her down on her bed and tucked her in. As quietly as I had entered, I left the room, leaving her sleeping peacefully. I walked over to the couch to join the rest of the guys, with a smile on my face, thinking about (y/n) in my arms, and they all turned to stare at me.

"What?" I asked looking at each of them, each had a different expression on their face.

"So how'd it go lover-boy?" Raph asked.

"Well, it went great. She did find out about April, but she was fine with it. But, she picked a rom-com, and the scene where the two characters kissed at the end, she um... she kissed me..." I summarized. Now, looking up at them again, each of them, yet again, had a different expression on their face.

Mikey looked excited. Raph just had a smug look. Leo looked shocked. And Casey looked mad. I knew that Casey had been her friend for years, but I had a feeling something else was going on.

"Really? Was it on the lips?" Mikey yelled as he ran towards me.

"No, Mikey, she kissed my neck, but it felt amazing," I sighed. If he were to ask any more questions, which I knew he would, I didn't feel like answering them right now.

"Does anyone else think this is weird and moving too fast?" Raph asked as he cringed and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Raph," I snapped at him.

"Guys relax, if whatever this is that's going on between him and (y/n) is what they both want and makes both of them happy... then we should be supportive," Leo sighed.

Why did he sigh? "Thank you Leo for being the only chill one about this," I said confused by his relaxed reaction that had a hint of something else. Then I glanced at Casey. "Are you okay, Casey?"

"Me? Okay? Yes, of course, D. Now tell me this, why would she like you?" He looked pretty upset, not completely surprising, but he definitely was not happy about the situation.

"Well, um, I dunno, Casey. I'm actually not sure, I have a feeling it's a personality thing," I quickly replied, trying to hurry up the conversation.

"Well, screw personality, I know what's best for her and it's not you," he retorted as he skated out of the lair.

Mikey, Leo, Raph, and I just stared in shock at where he had just been, not saying anything. "Well it seems somebody is a bit jelly of Donnie," Mikey said in the most monotoned way I've ever heard.

"Well no shit, Sherlock!" Raph stood up and slapped the back of Mikey's head. "He obviously is in love with (y/n) and she has no idea. Your little date caused a bit of drama Donnie."

My brain started thinking as I paced back and forth across the room. "It's not my fault! I had no idea he was in love with her! If she was in love with him, she wouldn't have kissed me or agreed to go on a date. She could have asked him to take her to the surface but she asked me! Oh God, I'm freaking out, Leo!" I turned to Leo to see if there were any motivational speeches or words of wisdom left this late at night.

"Okay Donnie, just relax. Everything is going to be fine, this is not a situation I've ever experienced before but just relax. Take some deep breaths." I slowed my breathing and took deep breaths. "Good D, now I would say go to bed, sleep it off, we can worry about this in the morning," Leo suggested.

Mikey slowly got up and made his way over to me before putting a pizza grease-covered hand on my shoulder. "Make sure to lock your door bruh, Casey might come back and kill you in your sleep."

I reached to slowly pull his unwashed hand off of me. "Um, thanks, Mikey."

"No problemo dude." Then he flopped back onto the couch.

"Night guys," I said as I turned to scurry back to my room. What the hell just happened? Opening the door to my room, I saw my bed waiting for me to collapse onto it. After locking the door and taking off all my gear, down I went, face first into my pillow. Does my brain tend to run wild most of the time? Yes. But there was only one thing on my mind as I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to the infinite sound of a car horn. Quickly sitting up, I realized that I was lying in the middle of Times Square. My first thought was to hide. To not let anyone see me, so they don't scream in terror. After glancing around, I noticed no one was looking at me. No one screamed. No one seemed to care there was a giant, freaky, mutant turtle standing in the middle of all of Times Square.

Unknowingly, I started looking for something. I pushed people aside and pushed my way through the crowd until I pushed someone and they turned into dust. I paused in fear and shock. Everyone slowly started to fade away until there was only one person left. Her. (Y/n). I tried to run towards her, but I was frozen in place. "(Y/n)!" I called out to her.

"Donnie?" She turned around slowly, tears falling down her beautiful face.

"(Y/n)! I- I can't get to you! I'm stuck!" For some reason, tears began to fall from my eyes. She began to walk towards me. "Please (y/n), walk faster." There was an ominous and weird feeling that suddenly went through me. Everyone who had faded away, faded back. "No no no no no, (Y/n)!" I cried out.

"Donnie," she whispered as she was swallowed by the crowd. I fell to my knees feeling helpless. Then, the crowd began to fade again. I could see her, my beautiful.


"She's not yours, Donnie."

Someone else had appeared. I couldn't tell who though.

"She's mine. She always has been and always will be. How could she love you? Have you seen yourself? Have you seen her? It could never, EVER, happen."

The dust from the fading crowd was finally gone and I could clearly see who was standing with his arm around (y/n).

Casey Jones.

"Casey get away from her!" I tried running away, but I began to be pushed backward. I tried to fight it but that did nothing.

"No, I don't think I will..." Casey's voice faded as I was knocked backward and flew into a black abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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