the first morning without the sun shining through your window

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You woke up to the scent of eggs and toasted bread. Even though you were barely awake, you grabbed your phone and checked the time. 9:15 AM. You sat up and remembered all of the events from yesterday. The Krang. Leaving home. The essay. Donnie. I should probably get up, it's my first morning and I don't want to be late for breakfast.  You knew you weren't supposed to look at screens with even a mild concussion, but you checked how you looked in the camera. Wow I look like shit, I have to find the bathroom and clean myself up. Also, 20 missed calls from my parents. I'll deal with that later. You took off your clothes from the day before and traded them for a clean hoodie and leggings. You also grabbed your bag with makeup wipes and other things you needed in order to get ready for the day. As you walked towards the door, you could hear talking, but it was distant. Opening the door, you peeked outside. You could see Leo sitting in a beanbag staring at the T.V. and Raph using the punching bag. Donnie and Mikey were nowhere to be seen. You crept over to Donnie's room and knocked on the door. He wasn't in there. You decided to go ask Leo where the bathroom was.

"Hey Leo, um, where is the bathroom?"

"OH hey (y/n)! It's right over there," he said pointing to a door on the opposite side of the living room as your room.

"Thanks Leo," you quickly replied. You sped over to the bathroom with your things and went inside. While you walked to the bathroom, you could feel someone's eyes had been watching you. You went pee and washed your hands. Looking in the mirror, your hair was crazier than you realized and your mascara was more smudged than you thought. You tamed your hair by brushing it and fixed your face by wiping all of your makeup off. Before leaving the bathroom you put on a little bit of fresh mascara and fixed your hair one last time. While repacking your things into a bag, you heard Mikey yell, "Alright dudes and dudette! Breakfast is ready!" You placed your things in an empty drawer and left the bathroom.

When you got into the kitchen, Raph and Leo were just sitting down as Mikey was dishing them each some food. That's when you also noticed the giant rat man that Mikey told you about yesterday. Donnie was still nowhere to be seen, but there was an empty stool next to Leo, so you sat down there. 

"Ah, you must be (y/n). It is very nice to meet you. I assume Donatello helped you settle in last night?" the rat said calmly.

"Nice to meet you too..."

Leo leaned towards you and whispered, "Master Splinter."

"Nice to meet you too, Master Splinter sir. And yes Donnie helped me get my things down here and showed me to my room."

"Very good. I'm sorry about your situation. I know that it is not ideal for you to be spending your summer break underground with a bunch of turtle boys and a rat man, but it is for your safety. Leo told me about your plan of what to tell your family and friends. It is an excellent idea." he said seriously as he began to eat.

"It was Donnie's idea actually, but it'll be believable since I've always wanted to visit Japan. And... where is Donnie?" You didn't have any idea where he could be, everyone else was out here eating besides him. 

"Donatello is very bright and a quick thinker, I'm not surprised it was his idea. He is probably in his lab. Would you mind taking him his breakfast once you finish yours (y/n)?" Splinter asked.

"Yeah! Of course I can!" you nodded. 

Everyone finished their breakfast in silence and went off to do their own thing once they were done. You washed your dishes and grabbed Donnie's breakfast. Leo was the only one left in the kitchen so you asked him, "Sorry to bother you Leo, but can you tell me where Donnie's lab is? I know he's not in his room and I don't know where the lab is."

Leo put his clean plate in a cabinet and turned around and looked down at you. "You're not bothering me at all (y/n), it's okay. See those big doors over there? Behind them is his lab."

You looked up at him. "Thanks Leo, do you think I should heat his food in the microwave a bit? It's probably a little cold since it just sat here while the rest of us ate."

"Nah, it's fine he won't care. But if you ever need anything, let me know and I'll be happy to help you. After you take Donnie his food, do you wanna watch some T.V. with me?" he said as fidgeted with his hands and sounded kind of nervous. 

"Alright thanks, but I got a small concussion last night, so no T.V. for me, sorry. In a couple of days though sure I'll watch with you."

"Okay (y/n), I'll see you later then." You smiled and nodded in response and he waved as the two of your went in opposite directions. 

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