donnie's lab

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You walked up to the big doors and knocked. You waited and could hear loud noises coming from inside. After around a minute without hearing the noises stop, you decided to open the door. It was heavy but you managed to get it open enough so you could get in. Wow this place is cool. It was a large warehouse-type room that had cool gadgets and inventions everywhere. For being so full it was kept pretty tidy. Donnie's back was to you while he was working on a go-kart-looking thing. You went over to the nearest table and set his food on it. Should I leave or let him know that I brought his food? You decided to tell him but also try not to scare him since he still didn't know you were in there. Since you didn't want to scare him, you walked over to where he would be able to see you out of the corner of his eye. The noise stopped. It worked.

"Hey (y/n)! What's up?"

You smiled, waved, and then pointed at the table you put his food on, "I brought your breakfast, what are you working on?"

His face lit up, excited that you showed interest in his work, "Oh this is our patrol buggy. There are four sections and they are all able to split up if necessary, it's pretty cool, do you want to see any of my other inventions?"

Actually curious, you said, "Oh that's really cool! And yeah sure I'd love to see some other things!" To this, he widely smiled and walked over to you.

"Is there anything you see that you want to take a closer look at first?"

You scanned the room for anything that really stood out to you, "The little robot over there, can we look at that?"

"Of course! I think that is one of my favorite inventions," he replied as the two of you walked over to it, "I call it Metalhead. Basically, it is a robot that is able to do ninja things remotely. I'm able to send it to the surface and control it from here which is pretty cool. I'm constantly perfecting it, but my brothers don't like it very much. They say it gets in the way and isn't as useful as I am up there, which is both an insult and a compliment."

"Wow, that's really cool, I can't believe you're able to make things like this, that's so cool!" you were in awe as you looked at Metalhead, the patrol buggy, and all of the other cool things. 

He laughed and nervously scratched his head, "Haha thanks (y/n)! I basically live in here when I'm not training or on patrol. Sometimes it does get lonely in here, so if you want to you can hang out in here with me whenever you want."

He's so nice and he's a genius. And he's pretty cute. "Alright, well I'm sure I'm going to be having lots of free time since I can't do things that I would normally do on the surface. Do you think I'll be able to go to the surface at all while I'm living here with you guys?"

"Ya know, I can't give you a proper answer right now. It's dangerous for you on the surface. I can try to figure something out so that you can. I could go with you and supervise you from afar if you need to go to the store or something. Oh and we could hang out on the rooftops of buildings, it's more fun than it sounds. If you really want to go to the surface, I'd be more than happy to figure something out for you." he said looking into your eyes. 

"Really? Aw, that's so sweet Donnie, thank you!" Did he just blush? 

"You're welcome and of course! If there is a possibility for you to be able to get fresh air and see the sky, I'm going to do my best to get you up there. It wouldn't be fair for you if we didn't let you go up. If Leo or Splinter say no, I don't care, I'll still take you anyways whenever you want."

I met this guy not even 24 hours ago and he is literally nicer to me and seems to care about me more than most of the people in my life that I've known forever. The two of you chatted for a while longer, talking about so many things varying from your favorite foods to your favorite spots in the city. There were things that you guys had opposite opinions or views on, but there were so many things you had in common. 

Eventually, you checked your phone after ignoring several notifications. "Holy shit, how is it already 1:45? As much as I'd rather keep talking with you, I should probably call my parents. They've been texting and calling me so many times."

"Oh wow, yeah they're probably confused and worried. I'll walk you to the door." Donnie said as the two of you got up from the stools that were at a table. "Lemme know how it goes, hopefully they'll believe you're in Japan." He stopped walking once he got to the door and started to pull it open.

"I'll let you know, it was really fun and nice talking with you Donnie. You're so easy to talk to and I actually really enjoyed hanging out with you," you said very sincerely meaning every word you said.

"Haha me too (y/n). Um... tonight once it gets dark outside, would you... I don't know, wanna go to the surface and sit on a rooftop and hang out and stargaze?" You could tell he was nervous and his green face was really pink from blushing. You didn't even have to think about the answer to that question.

"Of course! That sounds like fun, and if Leo or Splinter says no, we'll go anyways. Bye Donnie!" You hugged him goodbye and waved as you went out the door. He waved too and smiled as he shut the door.

You had no idea if tonight was just going to be the two of you hanging out or a date, but you had such a good time hanging out and getting to know him that a part of you really wanted it to be a date.

opposites attract (donnie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now