the roof chat

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You just stared at him. He was tall, muscular, and had the kindest face that was partially covered by a purple mask. He knelt down next to you. "Please don't be afraid, I promise I'm 100% here to help. I'm Donatello, but you can call me Donnie."

"I'm (y/n). So you're... a turtle man?"

"Yeah pretty much. My brothers and I were exposed to a chemical substance called mutagen when we were babies and have grown up as people would ever since. You're not... scared are you?"

"Honestly, not really but my head is absolutely killing me," you replied

"OH right sorry lemme take a look!" He said as he started checking you for a concussion. "Overall you seem pretty okay, you definitely have at least a minor concussion though. But you'll be fine."

The two of you made direct eye contact that lasted for an awkward amount of time (it probably wasn't as long as it seemed), but your face got hot and it almost looked like his green face was turning pink. "So (y/n) since you're being searched for by the Krang, your life is now at risk. We're not sure why they want you, but my brothers and I have been trying to solve why the Krang are looking for specific people. Don't worry though, we will figure it out, or at least I will." he told you as the other turtles were climbing onto the roof.

"Donnie, c'mere," the turtle with a blue mask said.

"I'll be right back (y/n), don't go anywhere." Donnie looked at you with a smile before walking over to his brothers.

"Okay guys, we have to figure out what to do with her, we can't just leave her be, or else the Krang will find her since we know now that she's on the list. We technically can't force her to do anything, like staying in her house or something, until we get rid of the Krang. Does anyone have any ideas?" 

The blue one seems like the leader.

Donnie and the other two were silent. 

"Okay Leo, what if we gave her a makeover, but like, just to change the way she looks entirely?" said the turtle with the orange mask, breaking the silence.

Okay, the leader's name is Leo.

"Mikey that is the DUMBEST possible answer, she would probably hate that and we would do a shitty job, she'd probably just end up looking weird!" the red-masked turtle yelled at the little one whose name seemed to be Mikey. You felt kind of bad for Mikey, at least he had an idea unlike the red one, but you could tell Donnie was thinking. 

"It's not like you have any solutions Raph!" Mikey yelled back, crossing his arms.

The red one, whose name you now know is Raph, opened his mouth to probably talk back but had nothing to say.

"Guys I know this is an... odd idea. But what if (y/n) came to live with us?" Donnie suggested. You couldn't see his face very well, but it definitely turned slightly pink. "I know we aren't supposed to take anyone to the lair, especially not a human girl, but if the Krang find her here on the surface, we don't even know what they would do to her." he paused, "What if they do experiments and run tests and mutate her? What if they kill her?"

WHAT? I have a house and I can just choose to stay there, but the Krang would probably find me eventually. Shit, Donnie might be right, but what about your family? And friends?

"Okay, that might be worse than Mikey's idea," Raph said rolling his eyes.

"No Raph, I think Donnie's idea is probably best. It will be tough to get Master Splinter's approval, but the lair is probably the only place where she'll be safe from the Krang." Leo sighed as he turned his head to look at you and ended up looking dead in your eyes. Then after a couple of moments, he whispered something to the others and they started walking towards you.

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