the sewers

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Donnie landed as light as a feather on the ground directly next to a manhole. He set you and your suitcase down as he opened the cover to the manhole. Once open, he hopped down and motioned to you to follow him. It smelled. So. Bad. "I dunno Donnie..."

He smiled at you, "It's okay (y/n)! I'll help you down and if you jump I'll catch you I promise!" he gently said up to me. You decided to let him help you down and not jump since you still had a concussion. He obviously took note of your scrunched-up nose and nervously chuckled "I promise our lair doesn't smell this bad."

You two walked for a while in awkward silence. Donnie broke it by asking who you were talking about when you said there was one person who wouldn't believe your lie. "My guy best friend, he'll see right through the lie. I would have told him if I wrote an essay that would get me a trip to Japan. He won't believe me Donnie I don't know what to do. I want to tell him the truth, but I can't."

"What's his name?"

"Casey Jones, he's great and I've known him forever, but that's the problem, he can tell when I'm lying and pretty much knows everything going on in my life."

Donnie stopped walking. "Casey Jones?"

"Um... yeah?"

"Hockey guy, has a bit of a temper, wears a stupid bandana on his forehead, likes to talk in 3rd person?"

Your eyes got wide and you stared at Donnie, who was staring at the ground. "Um, yeah. How do you know him?"

"We ran into him on a mission and he followed us back to the lair and practically begged to be part of the team. He's like a sidekick now. That's crazy though that we both know him! At least you don't have to explain this whole thing to him and lie." Donnie replied with a weird look that you weren't able to read, but he never met your eyes.

We kept walking, just talking about random things and we eventually ended up in a subway tunnel. Donnie helped me down onto the tracks and we kept walking. At some point, you noticed an opening up ahead with light coming through, which you assumed was the turtles' lair. At this point, you were so exhausted that you collapsed from a sudden sharp pain in your head combined with a tired body and mind. "(Y/n) oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Donnie exclaimed as he caught you before you hit the ground.

"Yeah I'm good, just really tired haha," you mumbled as you checked your watch. 2:30 AM.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, we'll be at the lair shortly. I can carry you the rest of the way."

His smile was so cute. "Thanks Donnie." you smiled back. He carried you for about another hundred feet and then he rounded the corner to the entrance of the lair. He was right, it didn't smell bad in the lair at all.

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