some red-haired girl in a semi-crumpled-up picture

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With your eyes closed, you could feel the light breeze of movement and Donnie's arms holding you close. Once the breeze stopped, he loosened his grip and told you to open your eyes. It was a cute setup. Strings of lights were hung up all around the roof, a white sheet was hung up with a projector and Donnie's laptop facing it, and some blankets to keep comfortable.

"Donnie this is amazing! When did you put this together?" you exclaimed hugging him tighter.

"When I went out to check your apartment, I may or may not have stopped here and set all this up," he said nervously. " So ya really like it?"

"Like it? Donnie, I love this, this is the nicest thing anyone's done for me in literally forever!"

He loosened his grip and you got out of his arms. Once out, you dropped the bag of snacks you were carrying on some blankets and sat down. Donnie carefully sat down next to you after grabbing his laptop.

"So what do you want to watch?" he asked. You already had a couple in mind, but you decided on your favorite rom-com and he looked confused after you told him.

"Never heard of it, I mostly watch Space Heroes and Crognard, so my movie knowledge isn't the most diverse," he laughed.

"It's really good, it's one of my favorites and I think you'll like it, or at least I hope you'll like it," you said kind of nervously, not sure if he was open to the idea of a romantic movie. You still couldn't really tell how he felt about you, he was hard to read. He seemed really nice and whatever around you, but you haven't known him for long enough to be able to tell if that's just his personality or if he's extra nice because he might like you too. You were still in shock at how you fell for someone so incredibly fast, especially a turtle, but there was just something about him that you adored.

"Alright, I trust your judgment. Gimme a sec and I'll find it online, you can look in the backpack right over there, it's got more snacks in it," he told you.

"Okay! Should I just bring the bag over?"

"That would probably be good," he said calmly, very concentrated on scouring the internet.

Holding your dress down, you stood up and headed to the bag that was across the roof. Before bringing it over to Donnie, you started going through the bag to see if there was anything interesting. At the very bottom of the bag, you found a picture of him and some red-haired girl, semi-crumpled up and the color, faded from age. You looked back at Donnie, who was staring at his laptop, and sighed. Shoving the picture back in the bag, you stood up and hauled the bag, and set it down next to where you were about to sit.

"Okay (y/n), I found the movie, you wanna start it now or later?" he asked looking up at you.

"Now is good, do you want anything to eat?" 

"Yeah, sure just hand me whatever please," he replied.

You couldn't control yourself, you wanted to know who the girl in the picture was. Instead of handing him food, you handed him the picture. "Who is she?"

He looked embarrassed and sad. "Oh, I thought I took that out. Tha-that's April. She was our friend, she was always hanging out with us, and the reason why we know Casey. She was great and even trained with Splinter, but she um..,  she died in a fight that we were having with Shredder about a year and a half ago," he said, looking away from you to hide his tears.

Feeling horrible about bringing it up and assuming things, you plopped down next to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Donnie, I had no idea." You hugged him tightly and he turned and hugged you back. He buried his face in your hair.

"Thanks (y/n) and it's okay, we talked for so long today and I should have told you about her, you would have found out at some point though," he replied forgiving you. "You ready to start the movie?" he smiled as he let you go.

"Oh, right, yes!" you realized. You tossed a bag of chips into the air and he caught it. After he started the movie, you decided to make a bold move and lean on him and rest your head on his shoulder. He definitely seemed surprised at first, but soon wrapped his arm around you and rested his head on yours,  which made you smile.

The two of you watched the movie, undisturbed and unmoved from leaning on each other. As the end of the movie was nearing, the two main characters admitted their love for each other and kissed in the rain. You glanced at Donnie and saw he was glancing back at you. So the feelings might be both ways huh? The two characters were still kissing. Tucked under Donnie's arm, you leaned up and placed a light kiss on his neck. OH NO, WHY DID I DO THAT? TOO BOLD.  You couldn't stop yourself, it just happened. He turned his whole head towards you and just stared for a second, completely shocked. "I-I'm sorry Donnie, I shouldn't have done that," you managed to say.

"It's okay, (y/n). It's alright," he replied. He smiled but still looked shocked. He just turned back to the movie, his green face was now pink. You could feel how hot your face was, and also turned back to the movie. Donnie didn't say or do anything in response, but you didn't care. It caught him by surprise, you would have most likely responded with only shock too. 

Several minutes later, the movie ended and the two of you continued to just sit there and lean on each other. Through all of the credits, after the movie was done, and Donnie's laptop went to sleep, you guys just sat. 

"So what now?" you finally ask.

"Well, it's approximately 10:38. If we head back to the lair, my brothers will probably still be awake. We got the night off of patrol, but they can easily pull all-nighters while just watching TV. It's up to you what we do," he replied.

"Can we just sit here and watch the stars or something?"

"Or something?"

"Let's just stargaze," you gently laughed. Donnie sunk down to lie flat on the rooftop and you did the same. You went back to your spot on top of his arm and he wrapped it back around you. For a while, you chatted back and forth, pointed out specific things in the sky, and your brain was racing. You wanted to bring it up, but how?


"What's up?"

"Was this a date?"

A short pause. "Do you want it to be?"

Another short pause, but by you this time. "Yes," you whispered.

"Then yes, it was a date," he said confidently. This made you smile and feel better about what you did earlier. "It's almost 11:45, wanna head back to the lair?"

As soon as he said 11:45, you started feeling drowsy and yawned. "Yeah, that would probably be good," you said as you both got up. Donnie went over, grabbed his backpack, and started packing things up. The cleanup process was easy. Fold up the blankets and white sheet, put the projector and computer in the bag carefully, wrap up the lights, and make sure that no one would be able to tell that you two were up there.

Donnie swung his backpack onto his shell and asked, "You ready?" as he extended an arm towards you. 

"Of course," you yawned. He smiled, picked you up, and started heading back to the lair.

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