Chapter 1

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All of the nsb boys were just chilling in living room when manager ty came telling them they need to work on their YouTube video and asking if anyone has any new idea for video.

Oliver told that they should do some challenge video which are on trend but as he was going to tell them about some trending challenging videos that's when they all heard shout coming from kitchen so they ran to kitchen to check and there they found seb holding his head while sitting on the floor.

Everyone gathered around him while manager ty was getting water . Kane : hy seb what happen bro you okay . Seeing seb wasn't responding to him Darren shake him little bit and repeated the same question.

Manager ty handed him water , after drinking the water he told them he was fine . They asked him what happened to him why did he shouted so he told them that " I don't know bro I was here to get some water but all of sudden my head started to hurt "

Then they helped him and bring him to his and Oliver shared room telling him he should get some bed rest . After putting seb in bed they all came downstairs and start to discuss about work but there was someone who actually wasn't able to concentrate, which was Oliver he really worried about his younger brother.

He wasn't actually listening to anything until manager ty shake him which startled him seeing him like this the members were confused cause he wasn't a person who would not concentrate especially when they were discussing about work . So they asked him if he was alright he told them "yeah I'm good just a bit worried about seb" .

And again they started to talk about work it was until he left from there without saying anything for some reason he couldn't just sit there knowing his brother was in pain . When he reached upstairs he heard his friend asking him where he was going but he didn't answer and went to his room . When the members didn't hear anything they also went upstairs to see what happen to him.

After reaching there they see Oliver was just sitting on the side of the bed while putting some damp napkin on seb head . Meanwhile Ryan noticed that seb was actually looking a bit paler and he was not the only one noticing it the others also noticed it but seeing how worried Oliver was they didn't say anything and went from there .

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