Chapter 6

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With Oliver and Ryan ~~~~

After reaching to upstairs oliver was going lock the door 🚪 of his and sebastian room while he saw Ryan following him so didn't look the door and let ryan came in . He sat on his bed 🛏️ with baby seb who was already sleeping 😴 . Seeing oliver didn't said anything nor did he put sebastian on bed ryan thought of speaking .

" Why don't you put him in bed it must be uncomfortable for both of you " he wasn't lying tho and Oliver knew this but he still was not ready to leave seb like he was scared that what if he went somewhere and get hit and worse what if he ( oliver ) couldn't find him anymore , he was scared .

Seeing oliver lost in thoughts ryan shake him little a bit slowly cause he didn't wanted seb to wake up , he just wanted oliver to pull out from his thoughts . Soon everyone entered the room and Darren try to take seb from oliver which only cause him to tighten his grip around his brother and throw glare towards him , watching this manager ty pulled Darren backwards and told oliver " now you should put him in bed , he must be uncomfortable and it will also hurt his neck if you keep holding him like this " this time oliver listen to manage ty cause he didn't wanted seb to get hurt and manager ty seems to understand it .

 Soon everyone entered the room and Darren try to take seb from oliver which only cause him to tighten his grip around his brother and throw glare towards him , watching this manager ty pulled Darren backwards and told oliver " now you should put ...

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Kane sat on his knees infront of Oliver and told him while holding his hands " We know that you are worried about him Oliver so do we are if he was your brother then he was for our too it's not like he is a stranger to us he is also our brother / best friend trust me oliver we all won't hurt him , we also want to take care of him with you , we all want to keep him safe "

Justin : We know bro it must be hard for you to believe this thing or digest it but man up bro if you will be like this then how will you be able to take care of him huh .

Darren : I - I'm not good with this comforting thing bro but all I want to say is I'm with you bro and I'll help you however I can .

" Same man " said Regie while giving a hug to oli after hearing all of this he started to cry while hugging regie back , he felt really grateful to have  them in his life , he couldn't imagine if right now they weren't with him how he was going to handle this situation .

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