Chapter 21

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" We are sorry Oli we were just joking didn't thought this will turn out like this we are really sorry and for sure trust us if seb would be with us we wouldn't do anything like this " kane said while others nodded their head in agreement .  " Believe us Oli we didn't mean to , we will try not to fight like this now don't be angry " ryan said while looking at Oli with puppy eye's 🥺.

" Okay okay but please guys don't fight with each other we have a long way to go in which i want all of us together happily ohh btw I liked your idea Justin " Oli said sitting on sofa with a happy seb .

After 15 minutes ~~~

" Is he sleeping " Manager ty asked oliver as he saw him coming downstairs " ohh yeah he is he surely won't wake up for like an hour now so be relax we should also go now manager ty and boys take care of yourself , the house and most importantly seb okay I'm trusting you all " oliver said while going towards the car with manager ty and the boys .

" We got this bro don't worry just focus on meeting okay byy " kane said giving a hug to Oli and then to his brother ty " come daddy give me a hug too " Darren said going towards oliver while manager ty gave him " what the fuck " look and then both Oli and manager ty went for the meeting and the boys went inside the house .

" Bro we really messed it up today i have never seen him this angry " Darren said sitting on the couch " for real bro i thought he was going to beat us today " Justin said " hy where's ryan bro " regie asked looking for him " huh what's with these people bro they don't tell us where the fuck they are going what the fuck " Darren said also looking for him .

" He went to seb relax and when does ryan tell us " kane said from behind " bro the fuck u gave me heartattack are you serious " Darren said holding his chest " for real i scared u damn i feel good now " kane said giving cunning smile to Darren .

Justin :  Btw do u think something is going between ryan and seb . He asked Regie

Regie : why asking me isn't he like your best friend cuh . To which Justin replied

Justin :  He is but he didn't told me anything that's why im asking you idiot  aren't you like good at these things .

Darren : What the fuck u both are whispering about bro what tea do you have spell it .

Justin : Ohh Regie have a really nice tea about ryan and seb why don't u ask him . He said while going to ryan to know about him and seb . 

" Ayy where you going cuh leaving me here im also coming " regie said trying to get away from Darren " Ayy no no u ain't going anywhere bro tell me " Darren said holding regie from behind " okay so good luck Regie I'm off " kane said going upstairs " ayy wait cuh don't leave me here ayy " regie said while shouting " ayy bro sebastian is sleeping don't shout tell me about sebastian and ryan i want to know " Darren said " what the fuck your problem is bruh okay okay I'll tell but first leave me " he told Darren and as soon as Darren leave him he started to run upstairs " ayyo that's cheating bruh you can't do that " Darren said while running behind Regie .

" Ayy wait wait seb is sleeping he is sleeping " regie said entering the room with Darren running towards him " you lucky bro " Darren said laying on the bed taking deep breaths " hy ryan u getting call from Oli bro " Justin said while taking the phone from side table " ayy let me answer it bro " Darren said snatching the phone from Justin hand .

Call conversation ~~~~

I'm gonna use the first letter of their name for this so u guys can understand it .

D : hyy daddy what's up u missing me already .

O : what are you doing with ryan phone Darren and where are others .

J : We all are here bro what's wrong .

O : Umm yeah everything is good i just wanted to see seb can u show me Justin real quick  .

J : Yeah sure give me the phone Darren stop showing your ugly ass over there , here bro .

O : Ohh he is still sleeping good alright boys we are gonna reach to our destination in about an hour so take care of each other till we come back and don't fight okay byy .

K : Byy Oli .

End of call conversation .

" I'm hungry bro are you guys not hungry bro " Darren said leaning towards head board " for real bro im also hungry anyone got money cuh " regie asked " bro u look like a total homeless person right now both of you bro " justin said  " bro stop shouting here u hungry go out together and eat take kane with you " ryan said whispering " why me they are hungry I'm not " kane also whisper Justin saw his chance for asking ryan questions  " cause you are the eldest bro now go all of you go get ready regie " Justin said " so taking us cuh to eat " regie said getting up from the ground " okay looks like i don't get any option let's go " kane said going outside the room following by regie and Darren .

Justin : So u got something to say bro .

Ryan : what you talking about bro what do I have to tell u .

Justin : Alright then I'm directly gonna come to the point okay what's going on between seb and you .

Ryan : Wh- what do u mean ther- there's nothing going on between us .

Justin : don't fucking lie to me bro i know there's something going on between u two I'm your friend ryan i am always going to be here for u , u know right i won't judge you.

Ryan : Alright i didn't meant to hide this from you Justin i just didn't know how to tell u i - i love seb but he doesn't know about it only Oli knows .

Justin : Ohh it's all cool bro it's good I'm happy that you told me about this by yourself . He said acting like he didn't had any idea about this .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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