Chapter 13

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" Well I'm sorry bro i forget about it I won't do it again " Darren said to Oli " you better not forget about it next time Darren cause seb pick up words really quickly that's why I told you guys not to curse infront of him , i don't have any problem if you guys curse but just don't do it infront of him okay " oliver told everyone " btw Oli do you remember what was first word of seb  " Justin asked " well for sure it wasn't brother or Oli maybe ohh yeah i remember it was mom , that day she was really happy and was teasing everyone in the house " oliver told while smiling remembering how much happy his mom was when seb said his first word which was mom .

But soon it hit him his smiling turned into a scared face " yoo what's wrong bro now days you are changing mood so fastly are u on your periods " Regie said jokingly in which everyone laughed " naah man I'm just thinking about our parents what am I gonna tell them huh when they will ask me about seb or tell to bring seb home " oliver told them and everyone went silent 😶 looking at each other faces .

" Okay so boys, Oli we will think about it later now it's getting late you all should go to sleep see our seb is also sleeping hmm after this exhausting day we all need some rest right go " manager ty told them and soon everyone left to their rooms ( they already move the crib to seb and Oliver's room ) .

The next day ~~~~

It was around 6:15 in the morning , all of the boys were sleeping happily while relaxing like they don't have anything to worry about ( in short words they were sleeping like a child ) but their happiness didn't last long when they all heard " WAAAAH WAAAAAH WAAAAAH " all of them woke up with jolt Justin and Darren even fell from the bed and manager ty who just woke up came running towards oliver and seb's shared room while bumping into two or three things .

After this every one came in the room while running " what's wrong " asked ryan while looking at manager ty shocked face and soon everyone eyes fell where manager ty was looking and everyone had same expressions " how the heck is he sleeping so peaceful like what huh " Regie said " woah he is sleeping with ear plugs in his ear " kane told " that why he didn't woke up but now let's wake him on the count of three but first take the plugs out " Regie said .               " OLIVER WAKE UP " all of boys shouted in unison which worked nicely cause just like justin and Darren he also fell from the bed .

Oliver : what the hell why you all are shouting in the morning .

Justin : why you asking didn't you heard seb crying ohh how will you when you were sleeping with ear plugs said in a little angry voice .

Oliver : ohh i knew that was gonna happen that's why I was sleeping with ear plugs . He went towards crib and took seb in his arms and start to pat him so he can sleep .

Regie : what do you mean man you already knew about this huh . He asked after seeing that seb went to sleep .

Oliver : what i mean is that's how he was when he was baby , he could continuously seek for people attention whom he liked and would always follow them around , always wanted to be hug or will strech his hands in the air but if he would hug your leg consider yourself lucky man cause he only used to do it to mom , he liked others but loved mom the most and in the morning everyday around 5:45 or around 6 he would woke up just so that others would pat him and would put him back to sleep and after he fall asleep nd anyone try to put him down he would cry again like it was his morning ritual made by him .

Hearing this all of the boys and manager ty were stunned and speechless 😶 they didn't know that seb was like this he was completely different from what they have thought " and what if he didn't like someone  " kane asked noticing he didn't told anything about it .

" Ohh then nothing much he would just cry loudly around them , throw his toys on them , scratch them , kich them , pull their hair which was the most painful one cause once he pull them it was so hard to free their hair from his grip and yeah one more thing when he wouldn't like someone talk or what someone was saying he used to pee on them other than this he was really nice child " .

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