Chapter 7

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Soon everyone joined the hug with beautiful smile ☺️ on their faces . Then manager ty told all of them to have some rest since all these things happening from the time they have woke up must have exhausted them which was true .

So all of them started to leave from there but ryan was just sitting there looking at this the boys call him " Hey ryan aren't you coming back to room or going to take some rest " " NO IM NOT I DON'T WANNA REST IM FINE " .  Oliver knew the reason for Ryan to be over there or him being like this , ryan was his favourite child from all of them so he also understand him better than others , so told them to go back and let ryan stay over here it will also help him to make sure that seb was fine while sleeping .

After everyone left the room ~~~

Oliver : Ryan now you should also take some rest , you can sleep over here in the bed  and seb can sleep in between us .

Ryan : Won't it be uncomfortable for both of you if i sleep over here , it's fine I'll just look at him and make sure he is fine .

Oliver :  No ofcourse not and if you sleep in bed with us  we can make sure that he won't roll over to other side and get hurt come on .

Soon ryan hop on the bed , oliver then place seb in between both of them and lay down both placed their hand on baby seb and fall asleep while looking at seb .

After 5 hours ~~~

Soon they both woke up from their sleep after hearing some giggling sounds coming from downstairs , the first thing they did was to look at seb but they didn't find him there which cause them to look at each other but there was a note which says " Since you both were sleeping so comfortably we didn't wanted to wake you up so without telling you both we are taking seb with us downstairs " kane .

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