Chapter 18

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Later that day ~~

" Boys the food is here come nd get it " manager ty said while shouting from door " yaah the food " Darren shouted , everyone them came downstairs to eat the dinner " where's seb and Oli bro " Justin asked seeing Oli nd seb didn't came " ohh Oli took seb outside bro for walk they went to park " ryan told them .

" Hy guys what you doing " Oli asked while coming towards them " nothing we were just asking ryan about you nd seb " kane replied " ohh anyway did the food arrived I'm really hungry right now " Oli asked " yeah go get fresh n up with seb then i also need to talk to you guys about something " manager ty told the boys .

" So what is it manager ty that you wanted to tell us " Oli asked while sitting on dinning table with seb " hy Oli can I feed seb I'm almost done nd you must be tired also " kane asked " hmm yeah sure but be careful okay " oli said " of course bro " .

Manager ty : So tomorrow we need to go for a meeting Oli it's with the some new management team they want to invest in nsb nd have asked to meet them tomorrow .

Oliver : What about seb .

Manager ty : Well i have talked to them i just told them the same lie we told to stars nd they are fine with it but you need to be present over there Oli .

Oliver : Okay I'm fine with this so can we take seb with us to the meeting .

Manager ty : Oli no we can't take seb with us he is a small child nd what will he do over there tell me , i know you are worried for seb but the boys will take care of him right boys .

" YES SIR " all of them said together " but- " " no but Oli we can't let go this deal it's a really great deal well the main say will be of nsb but atleast we should go there " manager ty said cutting oliver in between " okay but you guys have to take care of seb really nicely okay don't cause any trouble " .

Regie : Ayy c'mon bro trust us we will take care him just like we always do in the absence of manager ty .

Oliver : No don't take care of him like that , I'm serious about this guys if you want to take care of seb then do it properly especially saying don't take care of him like you guys do in manager ty absence okay . He said while being dead serious which send chills in their body including manager ty .

" Abha abha aaa " baby seb said while trying to reach the chips which were in the table " ayy no buddy you can't have them " Oli told seb in a really clam voice like he wasn't serious second ago " bro the duality you have " Justin told Oli .

" Okay so boys now I think is settle down you guys should go to sleep early since seb will wake us up at 6 o ' clock " manager ty told them " no wait everyone in the living room for meeting after finishing your task " Oli told them and then went to living room followed by Justin , kane nd Darren while ryan and regie start to finish their work quickly .

Oliver : Okay so here so certain rules for tomorrow follow all of these , this will help you to take care of him and I will be rest assured okay " okay " all shouted together . So the rule number

1 . Give him only soft toys cause he might throw them on you so you guys won't get hurt .

2 . Set your alarm or timer when to feed , when to change his diaper and when to put him to sleep 😴 .

3 . Don't leave the door or gate open and don't let any stranger come in the house .

4 . Take him to park he loves park he will be happy 😁 over there .

5 . Don't forget to call me if anything happens and i will also call in every hour to make sure everything is fine and pick it up cause if you won't then i will get stressed .

6 . Keep your eyes 👀 on him when he is in the ground , he often tend to get bored from playing with same thing nd would go here nd there in house really quickly .

" Okay so ryan you will be in charge of putting seb to sleep just pat him nicely it's really easy and when you guys will feel like it's enough you can't do it anymore then just put him to sleep " , now " Justin and kane you guys will take seb to the park nd don't worry he is always happy in park okay " to which both Justin and kane nodded their head .

" Now regie and Darren you both are in charge of changing seb's diaper and to feed him okay " Oli told them to which they replied together " WHAT " , " what do you guys mean what don't you wanna take care of him now " Oli asked while raising his one eyebrow " hy bro Oli it's not like that but how will we do it " Darren said in their defence " why it's not that hard nd you guys can use youtube so stop giving excuses " Oli said while again using his serious voice and after that no one said anything .

Manager ty : Okay so i guess everything is done you guys should go to sleep 😴 since seb will wake up early so we also need to wake up early don't waste time in playing video games okay .

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