Chapter 16

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Regie : So how does it feel like going through all of these things again and living the memories with seb .

He asked after a while seeing oliver wasn't saying anything just looking lost and holding a sleeping seb in his arms .

Oliver : It feels really nostalgic really nice you know- you know regie when seb was born he was the most favourite child in the family not like he is not now but despite of feeling jealous i was happy 😊 so happy that I started to scream in the hospital as soon as I heard he was born started to wish everyone , hug everyone , you know regie during the pregnancy mom had some complications and everyone in family were so scared that he-he might not be able to survive .

He said while trying to control his sobs cause seb was sleeping 😴 and regie without a second thought went to gave hug to his friend .

Regie : It's okay don't worry don't think too much about it now Oli it was all in the past now see seb is with us healthy and fine like a walking meme . He said trying to give comfort to Oli and cheer him up .

Oliver : hy my brother is not a walking meme , maybe sometimes okay he is but don't say anything to him . He said chuckling and thinking how seb behave like a meme .

" Bro they look like a family " Justin said while looking at Regie , Oli and seb " who is who " Darren asked while munching some popcorn ( from where he get that don't ask me ) " Regie is the father , Oli is the mother and sebastian is the baby " Justin answered him .

Kane : But i didn't thought man that seb's mom would have complications and seb less chance of survival .

Manager ty : Well no one thought of that thing kane and maybe that's also reason why Oli is protective for seb like if someone ask me to tell one thing that he has done to show his possessiveness i can give them tons of example .

Justin : Not only you manager ty but we all can give tons nd tons of example of oli's protectiveness over seb like you all remember when be beat that guy who was trying to get sebastian number and asking if he was interested in hook-ups and even after sebastian saying no how he keep forcing him , and then how Oli actually beat the shit out of that person bro .

Darren : Actually when he went to the person i thought he would just talk but he just punched him nd didn't stop until seb hold him while giving a hug from that day i knew that you can not mess with Oli or moy brothers that was so scary man .

Justin : Ayy why aren't you saying anything bro what's wrong buddy you fine . He asked realising since the time they are standing there he didn't said anything .

Ryan : Yeah I am fine I-im just thinking about something I'm going to my room .

" Ayy your room is upstairs bro " Darren said watching ryan going towards oliver and Regie " hyy " ryan said " ohh hi ryan what are you doing here " Oli asked while looking a bit embarrassed " nothing can I take seb with me i am going to sleep nd it's really hot outside so " ryan asked with a little bit of hesitation .

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