Chapter 8

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Both of them soon came downstairs and find the boys playing with baby seb . After seeing oliver baby seb started to wiggle in Justin arms to get out from his grip " Woah chill buddy relax I'm not taking you away from your brother , here Oli " said Justin handing baby seb .

After reaching seb oliver sat comfortably on sofa with ryan on his side . " Okay so boys now we need to go to the target to get some baby stuff for seb since we clearly don't have anything " said manager ty " what do we get tho " says Darren with full confusion on his face " what do you mean " said Regie " i mean like what to buy for baby - ?? " Are you stupid or something ?? We buy baby food , clothes and diapers for him man "

" Okay so what about seb " Ryan asked " what do you mean bro " Darren said " I mean we can't leave him alone now he definitely need someone with him from now on 24/7 till he get back to himself that's what I mean " said ryan  " ohh " Darren .

" Okay so then oliver gonna stay here since seb is most calm with him " kane said . " No I'm not i need to know what we are getting and i need to check things on my own to make sure they are good for him so I'm not staying at home " said Oli . " Okay then I guess we are taking seb with us to target what you say oliver " said manager ty , to which oliver nodded in return .

" OKAY SO GET READY BOYS " said manager ty while yelling . Soon all of them left from there to get ready except manager ty , well he was already ready so he just stayed there . Ryan after getting ready went to Oliver's room " hey can I come in " asked ryan while knocking on the door ,  " oh yeah come in bro " then ryan went in " so do you need some help or we are all set huh " " ohh no no we are all done pretty much just one problem " said Oli , ryan gave a question look to Oli " i mean we don't have any baby clothes or clothes of his size so i don't know how we are gonna take him , we can't keep him naked the whole time " .

" Just warp him towel for now "  "okay 👍 " , after warping seb in towel they both went outside where everyone was waiting for them in the car 🚗 after seating on cars they all drove to target .

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