Chapter 17

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" of course ryan u can take seb with you " oli said with a smile on his beautiful face " Thank you " ryan said after taking seb in his arms and start to walk towards his room " You trust ryan the most with seb right " Regie asked watching how easily he gave seb to ryan .

Oliver : It's not like that Regie i trust all of you equal why would you think something like this

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Oliver : It's not like that Regie i trust all of you equal why would you think something like this . He replied really fastly not wanting to hurt Regie .

Regie : I'm not talking about other times / things Oli I'm talking about seb , in seb case you trust ryan the most right that's what I am asking . In response of it Oli only nodded while looking down in his hands .

Oliver : Don't take it wrong Regie it's not like i don't trust you or others it just ryan-ryan " it just ryan love seb " Regie said cutting off Oli " how-how do you know i mean i thought he only told me " Oli asked Regie in complete disbelief nd eyes 👀 wide open .

" Well he might have told you but i have seen how he behave , how he get worried , how he get angry or jealous or how he looks towards seb it's enough for me or for the guys to know how he feel towards seb " Regie told Oli " Wait he told you that he like seb waah he told you nd didn't told us and when did this happen bro you guys are playing different types of shits bro " Justin asked Oli suddenly from the behind which startled both of them .

" Bro what the fuck you guys scared the shit out of me " Regie told Justin " that's different Regie now Oli tell us when did this happen nd without any cap this time " kane asked wanting to know about with so much interest in it .

Oliver : Okay so it happened during our concert in Phillipines that time when you all remember how sick these guys Regie , seb nd kane were that was time i found about ryan feeling towards seb and after that I confronted him about seb nd then he told me everything .

Darren : Bro we want to know about spicy thing not this boring dumbass shit bro c'mon tell us the spicy part bro .

Oliver : Well i have promised ryan that i won't tell anyone about this until nd unless he is comfortable about this nd we all can clearly see he is not so I'm not tell anything nd chill Justin I'm sure after he will get little more comfortable with this you'll be first person he would tell after me .

Justin : Hope so bro but just thinking about it is scary man i mean you are all good with us , love us and support us but how did you react that time bro nd in what condition ryan would be in when you confronted him i don't even wanna think about it .

Kane  ; For real Oli how did you reacted , did you yell at him or did you got angry on him or just told him to stay away from seb like other over protective brothers .

Oliver : Well just for your knowledge i didn't get angry on ryan nor did I told him stay away from seb okay , well it's getting hot so I'm going inside to sleep Regie do you wanna come .

" Hmm yeah of course man it's really hot in here bro " Regie told nd soon both of them left from there " bro he didn't said anything about yelling " Darren said " wait so that means Oli yelled at his favourite child " Darren said being dramatic " bro stop being weird that's the reason you are still single let's go kane " Justin said leaving an Darren behind to be more dramatic .

" You gonna leave me like this bro for real hy come back wait I'm also coming " Darren while shouting " stop shouting Darren if you don't want to get scolded by Oli seb is sleeping 😴 right now so keep it low " kane told " bro from when did you gu...

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" You gonna leave me like this bro for real hy come back wait I'm also coming " Darren while shouting " stop shouting Darren if you don't want to get scolded by Oli seb is sleeping 😴 right now so keep it low " kane told " bro from when did you guys start to help each other " Justin asked .

" I was never bad man ask him why he is like this " kane said while going towards his nd Regie shared room " what the fuck what I did " Darren asked " about it i don't know but i know one thing that I'm going to sleep so by " Justin going towards oli and seb shared room knowing ryan must be sleeping in their room with seb .

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