Chapter 12

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" Here bro " Darren said while giving
the food to oliver " thanks bro " oliver told Darren , after taking the food oliver started to feed seb while hoping his brother would stop crying which obliviously happened, seeing that oliver felt really happy  he felt really nostalgic which brought tears to his eyes which Regie noticed and asked him " damn what happen bro why you crying now " which brought everyone attention to oliver even seb's it was like he could understand when his brother was happy or sad .

Oliver : ohh nothing it's just I'm suddenly feeling like I'm getting Deja Vu like when seb first came into this world i was so excited to play with him , take care of him i even used to request mom to let me feed him or hold him but as I was little she hardly allowed me and one day she allowed me which also happened like this i was playing with him in the living room and then he started crying all of sudden i couldn't understand a thing i tried to calm him down which didn't happen just like today said with a chuckle and then I started call mom and then she made food for him and that was the first time I feed seb from my own hands and I'm feeling the same like I have went back to the past  .

While Oliver was telling them the story the boys were looking at him with adoration at their faces and he was looking at seb with shine on his eyes like he was some kind of treasure for him , he was so happy that he get to live the same moment with his brother and he was ready to live them again and again . 

" Okay so boys i know no one is like me for breaking this beautiful moment but we need to talk about other stuff now so pull yourself together and sit on your seats " manager ty told them nd in return he definitely got bored faces and annoying voices from the boys which he didn't care much it wasn't something new , " bro we already talk about work bro now what other stuff do we have " Darren asked manager ty " well we completely didn't i only talk about one thing now tomorrow i want you guys to film / record one video for Northstarboys YouTube channel , one for any of your own YouTube channel and 5 to 6 different types of tiktok in each of your account it's been a long time that you guys have recorded videos for tik tok so make sure to take care of that , so yeah for work it's this much only " manager ty told the boys .

" Only man you gotta be kidding us 5 to 6 for each of us and then YouTube too naah man you are kidding and if you are not it sucks , its fucking sucks man " Darren said while receiving glares from everyone the one from manager ty made sense to him but about others- it didn't at all " why you all looking at me like this bro except manager ty i know why about his look " Darren asked them " don't you remember the rules Darren " oliver asked him while throwing glares and if looks could kill Darren would dead by now that's horrible Oliver's glares were which cause him to go behind Justin cause he was closest one .

How ! Sebastian turned into little boy ? Northstarboys Where stories live. Discover now