Chapter 2

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Later that evening seb wake only to find oliver sleeping on the side table yes he fall asleep which was also in really uncomfortable position . When seb shake him the first thing he did was to check seb temperature 🤒 and asking him how he was feeling " I'm feeling better now but why the hell are sleeping like this and not in bed " to which he answered " i actually don't remember when did I fall asleep " .

After confirming that he was fine oliver went downstairs while he went to washroom to get fresh n up but again when he was in shower 🚿 he felt a little dizzy so he quickly finish showering and went downstairs.

As soon as he reached downstair he was attack from so many questions everyone was asking him  " how are you feeling now " " what happened to you " " are you still feeling any type of pain " .  To which he answered " yeah now I'm actually feeling a bit better which was actually true compare to morning he was definitely feeling better but there was still some pain and dizziness he was feeling.

Seeing seb was fine manager asked that they should now make some video knowing stars must be waiting for it . So they start preparing for video while manager ty was telling the moy brothers about video , it was actually never have I ever challenge strip edition ( i see you over there stars 😏 ) .

Which unexpectedly took a lot of time first cause since the morning they didn't eat anything and second they needed time to find the questions for the video and they didn't only make 1 video but 3 videos which took then around atleast 5 to 6  hours and by the time they completed it , it was already 1 o' clock in the morning.

By this they were really sleepy 🥱😴 especially seb he didn't really understand why cause he knew he have slept whole day but he was still the most tried one he was literally holding his eyes 👀 to keep them open seeing this ryan told him he should go to sleep but refused it but ryan was more stubborn and everyone knew about that so he picked him up which startled seb and other. Seeing him like this seb questioned ryan " what the hell are you doing bro " " i already told you that you should go to sleep but you didn't listen to me so now I'm taking you to your room what else does it look like it to you man " .

Seeing how much seb was actually trying to keep himself up they also told him to go to sleep which he tried to refuse but seeing his brother angry 💢 face he didn't and start to leave from there but as he was leaving he again felt dizzy his vision was not clear. So he went kitchen to take some water as he was going to his room he felt a sudden jolt like he was going to faint so held the stairs and tried to take another step but his leg missed it and fell but before he could feel his face getting hit on the stairs he felt a hand around his waist.

Soon he looked up to see who held him he saw Ryan looking at him with a concern look on his face " woah what's wrong man where the hell your eyes are what if i was not here to catch you huh " " but you are right and maybe you were right i should have listened to you on the first place and should have been to sleep 😴 "

Ryan : Okay okay now let me help you to put you in the bed okay ☺️ said ryan with the cutest smile. He pick seb in bridal position and took him to his room and put him to sleep. As soon as seb closed his eyes he fell asleep and after making sure that seb is sleeping ryan kissed his forehead and said " please get better soon i don't like it when you are like this sick and not around me i feel like their is something missing from me when I don't find you near me so please  get better soon 🥺 " and went to his own room to sleep.

Soon everyone came to their own room with their roommate and went to sleep exhausted from all of work but oliver was still up he didn't went to sleep he actually wanted to take care of seb so there he was making coffee ☕ for himself determine that he's not gonna fall asleep which he couldn't make it so around 3 am after checking on seb for the last time he went to sleep.

Good night stars sweet dreams 💜 🌃 .

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