A Sensory Overload

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It was crowded, the room smelled of candy and sugar, too much of it.

Basil and Sunny sat on the couch right next to each other. Sunny looked bored as per usual while Basil was just looking for the best place to curl up and hide.

Kel was blasting the TV and screaming while Aubrey beat his ass in a fighting game. Mari and Hero were just chatting while scolding Aubrey and Kel occasionally for being too loud even though he was yelling too.

Basil felt tears at the brims of his bottom eyelid. His mind was rushing and he couldn't focusing on anything. His hands clutched his hands to his ears shut his eyes closed tight causing hot tears to roll down his cheeks.

That was it. The thing that finally set him off. Someone rested their hand on his shoulder. He screamed and collapsed to the floor. He kicked his feet, he hit something but he didn't care he needed to leave, anywhere but here. He grabbed a random pair of headphones and put them on his head to cover his ears and made a break for it.

Basil was hiding in the corner of a closet, he couldn't tell where he was going but he just needed to get away from all the noise.

He grabbed a toy from his pocket and started twisting it around.

He heard footsteps running outside in the hallway, the pitter patter was soon drowned out by Basil turning up the volume of the rain sounds he was playing. It always calmed him down when this kind of thing happened which was rare, but it certainly happened.

Someone opened the door as he shrunked into the corner farther. He thought that they must not have seen him because a moment later they closed it.

"Nope not in here" that was Mari's voice. He heard footsteps walking away and he pulled down the headphones. The door opened again and someone climbed on the shelf with Basil. Mari sat next to Basil who flinched and tried to shrink even further, if that was possible anymore, into the corner.

"Hey, you don't have to come out about it to me immediately but if you wanna talk about it..," Mari paused for a second which seemed longer than that, before she finally spoke again, "I'm here you know you can talk to me, I may not be as close to you as Sunny or listen as well as he does but-".

"I was having a sensory overload, it happens rarely but I just needed to get out of there, I'm scared, Mari I can't do this alone.." Basil said tears were falling rapidly now and no matter how many times he tried to wipe away the tears they just kept coming.

Without warning Mari grabbed on of Basil's arms furthest to her and pulled him closer. He started screaming again and scooted away from Mari till there was nowhere else to go. Aubrey heard him and ran to the closet and snatched Basil and carried him to the livingroom where Sunny was still sitting.

Mari was behind them screaming to put him down, which Aubrey most obviously didn't listen to.

Kel, Hero, and Aubrey were all staring at Basil waiting for him to fess up.

He wouldn't. Not if he wasn't ready especially.

Sunny started signing to him.

'Do you wanna tell them what happened, do you want me to tell them what happened, or are you just not ready yet?'

Basil signed back.

'Can you tell them, I don't think I can trust my voice right now, I already told Mari though'

'Ok, leave it to me then, oh and if your still not feeling comfortable we could hug if you want, only if you want though.'

Instead of signing Basil just nodded and hugged Sunny.

Aubrey, Kel, and Hero were so confused that they practically had steam coming out of their ears.

"So long story short Basil has sensory overloads from time to time, I guess what caused it was all the noise"

Kel and Aubrey were probably burning with all the gears turning in their heads.

"Alex will start to get frantic when his senses have to process too much of at least one thing at a time, so Kel and Aubrey your game was too loud and so was your yelling," Mari butt in, Kel and Aubrey slumped in their seats,"And don't think I forgot about you Henry you yelled too." Hero stiffened.

"We're sorry Basil, we'll do our best to try and not trigger your overloads." Everyone except Sunny said.

Everyone was running their mouths again but this time, with Basil in mind, they spoke quietly this time.

Sunny placed both his hands on Basil's face and smooshed Basil's face and then took his hands off, then Sunny leaned closer to Basil and kissed him.

Headcanon: Basil has mental disorders like ADHD, anxiety, depression, and rare sensory overloads

Headcanon: Basil became fluent in ASL to communicate with Sunny who is a selectively mute person, he also does it because he is deaf in one ear and sometimes doesn't hear people when they talk to him

Headcanon: Basil's real name is Alex but he prefers Basil more

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