Bonjour Angleterre

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— I will miss you, Gabrielle!

— I will miss you too ! Thank you for everything, for taking care of me and Camille!

— I couldn't leave you and Camille.

— Thank you for everything!

— It will be odd to be alone now. He reflects.

— I will come back to visit you, often !

— I know you will. I promise you I'd come to London to greet your future husband, when he's lucky to be found. You must go. I love you !

— I love you too, nunky !

The surname came out of me, surprising me. I haven't called him that since a was a child. Tears formed in my uncle eyes.

— It's been a long time since you called me that. You absolutely need to get on, Goodbye ! Say hello to your sister and deliver her the letter, will you !

— Naturally ! Goodbye !

The last conversation with my uncle before I left. I'm convinced that after I had left, he cried more, as did I. Now everything is going to be different. No more travelling with him. I will start my season to get married. It's natural. I'm already past the age. I'm twenty-one. I'm a woman, but I' will miss it. I'm going to see Camille again ! Oh God know, I haven't seen her for a year. I miss her ! I can't wait to see her again, and she's pregnant, a baby, my niece ! She and Louis have been trying for so long! I can see we've arrived in England, we're very close. We are almost there. The bell finally give given me an official answer, it's time to get off.

Bonjour Anglettere !" I say in a low voice, as I did every time I arrived in a new country, a childish tradition of greeting him in my mother language, as if he could hear me.

— Mademoiselle Bertheau. We have arrived. Informe my chaperon.

He had to report to the queen for my uncle and watch over me. We got off the boat and waited to get our chests. The journey in carriage to London last three hours. In the distance, I can see Camille and her husband, Louis ! We stop, and I hurry to encounter them ! I hug Camille very tightly, it felt really good. She is gorgeous, glowing with happiness !

— I missed you!" I say, letting go of her.

— I missed you too !

— Louis ! " I salue her husband, after accepting the hug.

— It's a pleasure to have you in London. How was the trip?

— Very well, I turn to my sister, you look beautiful, and the baby ! I'm so thrilled for you ! — Can I ? " I ask, pointing to her belly.

She agrees with a cheerful smile. I touch her belly and whisper to the baby, my niece, yes, I know it could be a boy, but I feel it's a girl.

— Hello there, it's your aunt Gabrielle. Stay warm with your mum! You are already so loved,your mum, your dad, me, uncle. Oh, Camille, I have a letter from him and he says hello !

I deliver the letter on to her and gave her and my future niece some breathing space. My chests had been put down by my chaperon, who is still there waiting for me to leave. I thanks him, then he left, relieve.

— I want to go home. I have so much to tell you ! Say Camille, overjoyed.

— And so am I !

We went into the carriage, and then promptly arrive at their house. I put my trunks in my room and establish my things away while talking. It was just like before, just the two of us. She told me in person about the baby, her life in London, her life. I knew part of it from the letters, but they inevitably passed when you're receiving them. The evening came far too quickly. She went to bed early, the pregnancy made her tired. I did the same, it's so good to be here in London with her.

I'm going to be there to see the baby, Camille, Louis and ... find my husband, I'm much less excited about that part. I want to get married, but, I don't want to get married merely for the sake of it. I want someone I appreciate. I'll be with him for a long time. I'm lucid enough to know that love is unimportant, but I want to at least appreciate it. Camille and Louis are so happy and in love, but that's not the case with most marriages. They are conventions, unfortunately. I don't want that. I desire what Camille and Louis have, what my parents possessed, love. It's a considerable goal, so I want, at least to him appreciate it, someone I can be friends with.  

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