Enchanted to meet you ( Colin voice)

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An another ball, an another season. I already want to go. Mother is talking of marriage again ! I don't want to go into the pack again. I am alone this time; Ben is happily married. This is wonderful, but this mean I am the only Bridgerton man available in age of marriage! All the attention is on me now, for marrying a Bridgerton! I'm going to stay right here... unless .... My eye was catch by a lady. She is pretty and uncomfortable in that danse. The Earl of Gloucester is blind to not see it. I'm going to save her, one dance and I'm off! I make my way until that lady, and he is asking for a new dance. Perfect timing me !

­— May I have this danse, I propose to the young lady.

­— With pleasure! She accepts with a smile.

I guide in a dance, delivering her. Pretty blond hair , green eyes, a smile of relief, my age, I would say. There is something in her, she is pretty. I think it's her first season.

— I haven't had the honour of being introduced to you. Colin Bridgerton. I present myself.

— Pleased to meet you, Gabrielle Bertheau. You must have met my sister Camille Harrison and her husband Louis Harrison.

The Harrison, yes ! The queen diplomat's niece. Her accent, French and Bertheau, French too.

— I do indeed. Bertheau, that's not English. Your accent, French? I ask, while dancing.

— Indeed, I was born French.

Bingo ! Interesting.

— I doubt I have ever encountered you in London. I ask honesty.

— I don't think so. Through my diplomat uncle, who raised me, I lived abroad.

My foot, outch, but travel. There could be conversation, here, I thought enthusiast. She excuses herself and I respond while smiling. Let's keep talking, to see where this would go. The danse is ending, outch. Okay. Find a way! The danse is over, I'm not gonna ask for a another one, after this rescue.

— Thank you for this dance. She say, looking at me.

— It was a pleasure.

We left the dance floor together and my brothers decide to join apparently. Not now. Oh no! Ben recognizes me. Mademoiselle, just, stay I little bit for a conversation. He acknowledges mademoiselle Bertheau. Yes, I have company. If she goes, this is your faut. Go away now. I tell them.

— Benedict Bridgerton and my brother Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, introduct Ben.

— I can introduce myself, I have a tongue, please indulge him. Replicate Antony.

Go away ! Don't you get my sign.

— I hope Colin behaves himself. Adds Anthony. Of course, I do.

— He is, he saved me from an unpleasant encounter. Answers the miss.

Yes, Anthony, I do. Now, you go ! I ignore his looks, which make miss Bertheau laughs a little bit. Great, now go please. Excuse yourself.

— Thank you for this dance and rescue, it's time for me to join my sister, gentlemen, my regards, she says excusing herself, what I didn't want !

This is your faut.

— Really, you don't understand the signs to go away. I say to both.

— You wanted to talk more, that cute. Respond Ben.

—You can still go, Anthony says smiling. What is so interesting about her?

— That to explore, which I was going to do before you came.

— She is pretty and French. Say Anthony.

— Oh, no, you two! I already have Mother! I don't want to marry now!

— And interesting! Add Benedict.

— Oh, no, stop! I just want a conversation.

— Go, have your conversation! Teases me, Benedict.

I roll my eye to them and go, looking for her. I refuse a few danse. Not now, not now. Found you! You are with your sister and her husband. I approach :

— Mademoiselle Bertheau. Madame and Mister Harrison. I present as codify, begin with her.

­— Mister Bridgerton, nice to see you again. Say mademoiselle Bertheau happy.

— Mademoiselle, may I have another dance?

— With pleasure. She accepts smiling.

We went out on the dance floor, and this was great. I decide to not go to strong to soon. I got time, except... no... no... did you all pass a note to come to see me?

­— Mother, I say. I present to you Miss Bertheau, the sister of Madame Camille and Mister Harrison. Miss Bertheau, Milady Bridgerton, my mother.

I can see she is more stress now.

— It is a pleasure to greet you. presenting her respects.

— You look very nice tonight. flatters my mum.

­— So do you, madam.

— Thank you. I would like to invite you to dinner. We will love to receive you.

A dinner ? I didn't see that coming.

­— My regards, have a delightful evening. Colin, ...say my mother with a knowing look to me at the end, before walking away.

That was quick and a diner, perfect, almost. She is more tense right now.

— I can get you some refreshments if you like. I offer to her.

— Thank you. Lemonade would be pleasant.

With my luck today, I'm going to see Daphné, Simon or Eloise. I must do it fast. I bring a lemonade and it's my chance to see if my instinct is right.

— I've been fortunate enough to travel, I enjoy England, but abroad provide its attractions. I start, large.

— Indeed, I'm lucky enough to see abroad through my uncle. Do you have any ... preferences?

— Grece ... the landscape, the culture... Italy

— Oh, the Italy is beautiful !

— You have see it ? I ask, hoping to a positive answer.

— With my uncle. We went to Rome and Naples.

Oh, that remarkable. I haven't see them, but it a good start. This is rare to see a lady to has seen other country.

— I haven't see it, but the writing of it is pretty attractive. I reopen the conversation.

— You should see these two cities, this is magnificent! She advises me, sincere.

That what I feel, she loves traveling! This is gonna be interesting. We talk a lot, and she is more herself, I think. We talked about Greece, Italy, France for a long time, for my pleasure. It's easy and agreable. Sadly, her sister told me she had to leave. She is disappointed to have to leave, as me to her to go. Thanks, mother, for this diner.

— I wish you a pleasant evening, sir. It was a pleasure, sir. She wishes to me honestly.

It is reciprocal, miss Bertheau. I smile, happy.

— Likewise, a sincere pleasure. We will see you at dinner. I recall.

— Definitely, we will.

This was Camille Harrison; she wouldn't be here for the diner Saturday night. Mademoiselle Bertheau announce her leaving, sadly. To Saturday night, so. I joins Eloise.

— You look happy! She remarks.

— I had an interesting conversation.

— With who?

— She is gone, mademoiselle Bertheau. She is invited at dinner Saturday.

— Already! You talk to one lady, and she is invited. Mother doesn't waste time. Where are the ban? she jokes.

— Very funny!

— You got trap. I want to go. 

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