In the hapiness to having you

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3 June, Harrison House.

Still no news from my uncle. It's normal but it's endless, I can't... stay like this. Yesterday I came home from the ball and cried. This can't be my future. I can't marry this Fernsby... I can't, I can't look at him, a life with him would be torture... Camille and Louis talk about Lady Whistledown, she still hasn't published for a week, which is very unusual. A housemaster came in and says:

— A visit for mademoiselle.

Oh, no, Mr Fernsby. I need an excuse quickly. He hands me a card:

Mister Colin Bridgerton.

I read it over and over again, to be convinced. I'm not dreaming...

— It's Colin! Colin!" I say aloud, happily.

— He's in the small salon, Miss," say the housekeeper.

— Thanks you very much !

I got up, I am ready. I have a dress that I like. Colin ! I don't believe it.

— Camille, can you attach my hair?

— Keep it like that. Let show Colin how wonderful you are naturally ! Says my sister who was looking at me with a broad smile.

— I'm ready.

We went in. He came to see me! He is here, with flowers. He approaches me blushing, holding out the bouquet :

— For you !

— Thank you," I reply, smiling and blushing.

He put a knee to the ground, my heart race, is this ... I put the bouquet down without turning my eyes.

— Gabrielle... I would like to ask for your hand. Will you marry me and be my wife ?

Marry me, my hand. Colin just propose... I wasn't dreaming, he propose ! It's... it's... the words just wouldn't come. I have to...

— Yes! Yes ! " I told him, with no better answer.

It is flat, but... I didn't know what to say. Colin as my husband, yes, yes and yes. It would be a dream. Colin! Colin! My sister and Louis are very happy. They answer I don't know what. I am too happy to pay attention. I turn my gaze and meet Colin's eyes, so sweet and beautiful. He immediately smiles much more. Yes, Colin! Yes, I do !

— The decision is up to our uncle, who will have to decide. It was Camille.

— It's only natural.

— It is impossible to know how long it will take for her answer to arrive.

— I would wait. Colin turns to me, "you look beautiful ! You always do.

— I blush. Thank you.

— I hope you have a good day," he says to my sister and Louis.

— He stood up and looked at me, with those lovely green eyes. Gabrielle, in the hapiness of seing you soon," he declares, kissing my hand.

I froze, he... my heart is pounding... Colin is so romantic. Louis' and Camille's response got me to pull myself together to answer:

— It would also be a delight to see you again. I wish you an excellent day.

Colin withdrew. Camille waits for him to come out and give me a hug. Together we celebrate. She is in tears, tears of happiness for me. They are contagious.

— It's wonderful! Colin!" she repeated, ecstatic.

— Congratulations, I have no doubt that your uncle will prefer Colin ! intervene Louis, a little away, looking at us.

— Yes! I am so happy. Colin! Colin!

Colin! Colin! Gabrielle Bridgerton, I dream.

— I'm going to write to Uncle at once!" exclaims Camille.

— I want to do it with you!

Camille went quickly to get some writing materials. We wrote as quickly as possible, I could become Colin's spouse ! Now I just have to wait! I want to see him now, right now...

— Camille, I want to... see him... Colin proposed to me.... I say without control.

She hugs me once more. Yes! Yes! Colin as my husband! I jump around again, overjoyed, like a child... The rest of the morning was wonderful, but I was already missing Colin. Heaven must have heard me, for I have received an invitation to attend tea at the Bridgerton's ! Colin will be there, he must, after his demand.

— Gabrielle!" shouts Camille at the top of her lungs.

We've become children again. Louis laughs. He embraces his wife, who was ready:

— You need a new dress. You need...

— Yes !

Who would have thought this day would come. We went out to the milliner's and I enjoyed choosing, I wanted to be beautiful for Colin. I chose a chocolate dress, and the milliner promised to get it in my size for the hour. We went to buy a new hat and ribbons.

My dress is ready and I got ready for Colin with the utmost care. It's time! We went in, he's here, I'm sure. A valet let us in. I caught his eye. smiling with my full heart, my heart capsizes. I turn my attention to Violet, greeting the host, as first action:

— Thank you for this invitation.

— You are always welcome. Your uncle has not yet responded, but you and Colin are undeniable! Congratulations!

— Thank you, madam !

She gave me a hug, which surprise me. I excuse myself to go and introduce myself to the rest of the family. Finally, I go to see Colin ! I sit down near him, which in the opposite to him. He welcomes me with a beautiful smile, the same as when he asked me. Colin talks before I could:

— Gabrielle, you look wonderful," Colin say, with a tenderness that made me swoon.

— Thank you, Colin, so are you. I replied with the same tenderness.

Benedict whispers, well enough for us to hear:

— 'Completely adorable, you two are not to left alone.

I burst out laughing, it was so obvious. God, I want to, he's right there, a few feet away. I wish I was next to him. He smiles at me again and I smile at him more. His siblings begin to tease him by repeating, "Colin is in love''. He got invaded from all sides, literally. He escapes by running away. His mother reprimands him and his younger siblings. They finally left him.

How I wish I could be next to him, to hold his hand. I am going to have to be satisfied with just seeing him. Uncle, hurry up! If I could give him this letter, immediately, I would. Camille, who joins me, whispers to me not to do anything reckless, that I had time, plenty of time after the wedding. She is right, but what I really want is simple! I just want to hold his hand or dance with him. I love him, I love him... At least he is there, so perfect. I pour myself a cup of tea, which I savour. Daphne and the Duke arrived, with their baby. She is six months pregnant. The baby was taken by Hyacinth. She congratulated me warmly, as did the duke.

— I've never seen Colin like this," she say. I blush, which made her smile.

Hyacinth joins us.

— This morning Colin asked to see mum and Anthony, then he ran to ask you. Eloise told me excitedly.

Oh, Colin ! he is perfect. He came over, with Alexander in his arms. he is a bit flushed, that made him even cuter, he's going to be a great dad, I can tell. He became even cuter when our eyes meet. If my uncle refuses this request, I will join him and beg him. This life is at my fingertips! He must answer and send the letter. 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now