A memorable night!

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Colin ! Everything is perfect! The dinner was perfect! Colin and I danced, time and time again! Congratulations and hugs in abundance! Camille, Louis, Violet, Daphne, Sophie, ... Nothing could be more perfect! By mutual agreement, Colin and I decided to leave, to be just the two of us! In the carriage, my anxiety is rising. I know what is expected of this night. Camille has told me everything, without hiding anything. Reality is catching up with me, I'm not ready! God knows I love Colin, so much, but I'm not ready! We kiss today for the first time! We are alone in the room, his room! Sitting on his bed !

— What's the problem?" he asks me worriedly.

— I know what is expected on a wedding night. I am so in love with you! You have no idea! You are perfect ! You are the love of my life! Nevertheless, I... I want to discover you ! I want to take my time! We kissed for the first time tonight! It was... perfect and it made me melt! I stand up, unable to sit still. I proceeded in a monologue, ranting I don't know what; about my feelings, what I want or don't want, today.

I look at Colin who is gazing at me, a little tense. I look down.

— Gabrielle, I'm not ready for this either! I have never done it! I want to learn this part with you too! Take our time! I love you! I only wish for your happiness!

— You... I react with relief. Then why did you let me do my talk?

— You needed to say it! I was holding back from reassuring you, from interrupting you.

— Colin! I react, that's lovely and charming.

I join Colin, in my place on the bed, before my monologue.

— All I want to do right now is kiss you whenever I want. On the lips, the neck, ... he begins to declare.

— That's what I want too! We'll do it when we're both willing? I suggest.

— Yes. He did before getting closer to me.

I lean in to give him a kiss, on the neck to the left, to experiment. Colin groans with happiness. I continue those kisses. My husband, this idea is a nice and perfect idea. Perfect because it points to Colin ! It is him, my love ! He is perfect, oh my God, he is perfect! Colin starts kissing my neck too ! It's... delicious! My heart races.


I didn't need to phrase it. He continues downwards little by little. I close my eyes in pleasure, fill with complete happiness. Each kiss give me such a pleasant thrill. He put his hand on the back of my neck. I melt at the touch, falling closer to him, onto him. Still with his hand on me, I feel Colin's kisses near my right ear ! He came down slowly, more slowly than before. I couldn't help but moan in ecstasy. The sensations were even more intense and pleasant! When I got close to his shoulder, I am close, very close to him, my head against him. He pauses to catch his breath. I open my eyes on him, all against me. His eyes are close, happy and full of pleasure. I caught my breath. He opens his eyes and immediately smile a little more. I look at the cushions, it would be nice to lie down. Without giving myself time to think, I lean into him more, hoping he would understand and lie down. He expresses surprise, then smile. He lay down on the bed, moving aside to let me get on. I immediately join him, naturally. I restart the kisses where he had left off for me, starting on his collarbone. I can feel his heart, beating fast. Couldn't get any lower because of his chemise. I move up to his shoulder. Any further and I would be on top of him. He whispers my first name! I did the same. I lay against him, fulfilled and search for his hand. I held it tight, not intending to let go, if he would let me. We stand there in silence, not feeling the need to speak. I am fulfilled and so was he, I really hope. Any nervousness or fear is gone, it's as if we understood each other without speaking, listening to each other.

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