A baby is born

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Six September.

Daphne had a daughter, named Belinda, she is beautiful. We're in London, so it's much easier for the birth. The plan was to do it in the country but being near a doctor is much better. Louis never leaves the house, the baby's room is ready! All we need now is my niece!

— The baby is coming! It's happening!

Camille! The baby's coming! The baby is going to be here! Yes! She is coming, happy but panicky — The baby ! Louis! We must .... she says to me.

— Louis is outside. I will bring him in. Sit down! I will take care of everything. I will inform the doctor and uncle. Just a second and I'm back !

I went out and asked, everything, and that it be done as soon as possible. I added that the Bridgerton should be notified, at their request, once the first one was done.

I returne to Camille, she had changed into a more comfortable dress. Louis came in running in and kissed her. The doctor arrived, she have contraction. I took her hand, seeing her in pain is unbearable, but unfortunately this is only the beginning. Louis wouldn't come out, even when the doctor insistes. He is staying with Camille. I know he will be there, no matter how long it takes. The first one is usually long. She is in good hands. I left them for the doctor to do his work. I could hear the contractions from outside. Uncle has arrived, very glad. He is in London for the birth, the Queen has agreed to his request to stop these trips before and after, for a month. We waited, I was unable to continue my needlework, so nervous but so thrilled. She was about to be born !

[....] Three hours later...

This waiting is ... endless. Louis and I are here, but ... she is in pain. I pray to God continuously for her and the baby to be well and healthy. I got a letter from Colin, he is thinking of Camille and me. They are in London, his letter touched me, as did the others which I treasure. I cry and I'm going to cry again... from happiness, from nervousness, from seeing Camille suffer.

[...] Six hours later.

Night fell, I went out, the baby will arrive very soon. It... it's a cry... she is born... the tears came, I hesitate to go in, they were coming to get me. A few minutes later, the door opens, Camille invites me in, with uncle. Camille is holding the baby in a blanket. She looks exhausted, but at the height of happiness.

— It's a girl, your instincts were right, she murmurs to me.

She is so beautiful, a real little angel. They have a child, the very beginning of a new life. Louis held her in his arms, he melts a little more and cries, and so do I.

— She is so beautiful, are you all right? I ask Camille.

— Yes, I'm fine, I've got my baby, she says ecstatically. I cuddle her gently in my arms.

— Your niece," says Louis, passing her to me.

I gently picks up the little wonder, she is so beautiful:

­— Welcome to the world, I murmur to her.

Uncle held her, then gave it back to Louis, then we went outside to let them enjoy their daughter alone.

— She's a girl! She's a little wonder!" I state in the height of happiness, all tiredness gone.

He kept crying, this day will be in all our memories. Twenty minutes later, Camille let us in again.

— This is Hortense Amelia Harrison, she announces.

— It's beautiful!" I react.

It suits her very well, Hortense, Hortense Harrison Bertheau.

— You... gave her a .... Amelia, your mother's name," stammer my uncle.

— Yes... Camille's eyes bent over her daughter, Hortense Amelia Harrison.

They finally had what they had wanted for so long, a baby!

The next day, three pm.

I couldn't stop looking at Hortense, she is perfect. Camille is resting, the first nights had been complicated. Colin and his family were due to come over shortly. Louis and Camille had agreed, and I pledge to look after the baby so that Louis could get some rest. Hortense has eaten and is clean, she is asleep now. Five minutes ago, she looked at me with those incredible blue eyes, I spoke to her and she fell asleep... We knock quietly, I look, it didn't wake her up. It is Louis.

— The Bridgerton are here," he whispers, looking for his daughter.

— She's asleep, thank you," I say pointing to the bassinet.

He went over and she woke up and began to cry. Louis picks her up and rocks her, talking softly to her:

— Chu... chu, I'm here, sweetheart, papa is here... papa is here.

He is going to be an excellent father, the best. I told him I was going to see the Bridgertons. I hope Colin will come along. I went into the living room where they were. I saw Colin straight away... nearly the whole family were there... Violet gave me fresh flowers for Camille.

— Thank you, I will bring them to her. Camille is fine, she is resting. Her name is Hortense Amelia Bertheau.

— Oh, that's beautiful..." Exclaims Violet.

Louis returns with Hortense; all attention turned to her. My niece, oh Hortense! Hortense is being admired, which is not to her taste. My Colin looks at me, with this look in his eyes, so... beautiful... He came up to me and whispered, close to my ear:

— I missed you !

— I missed you too.

We regretfully separate. They stayed a while; I went to Camille and she and the baby fell asleep. On the way out, a valet calls out to me and gave me a bouquet of roses, from Colin. There was a card saying "Gabrielle, my red rose". Colin! There is also a letter. I run to my bedroom to open it.

I love you, I love you and will tell you a thousand times and more

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I love you, I love you and will tell you a thousand times and more. Oh, Colin! you .... Oh, how much I love you too ! He is so romantic and cute ! He chooses this poem for me! I smell the rose that he offered me! Gabrielle, my red rose ! I need to answer to him ! 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now