The eyes tells it all?

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In the park, despite the sun, there is a cold air, not literally. The family of Louis is here, his parent, which mean madame Harrison, who not secretly despite us just a little bit. She still doesn't truly accept the union with my sister, even after all these years. Keeping the peace is important for Camille. she politely smile and ignore. I don't do it that easily. I have very often his eye of disdain on me. She doesn't think Camille is good enough for her son and I am Camille's sister. The conversation is about the weather and the marriage. Did I hear right? She is wishing for my marriage, for me to be not here, very nice. This is false, so false ! Louis talked to her mother, but she still acts that way. She is now focuses on his brothers, for a good marriage. Near us, the Bridgerton are playing, with all the children happily. They are having a better time than us. Camille, with a discrete touch recenter me to the conversation.

— How is your season so far ? ask me polite madame Harrison.

Camille is looking at me, this a '' keep the peace'' look.

­— I start for her, with a perfect polite smile. The balls are all beautiful. I wish for the rest of the season to be like this.

I force myself to refocus on the conversations, keeping me here, in face of this façade. Later, we take back the round to the house, slowly, passing near the Bridgerton. All of a sudden, without the reason, I nearly lost my balance, almost finishing on the ground. I reajust myself, without falling to feel the quick but present outrageous eye of madam Harrison. I next saw the source of my stumble, an adorable dog ! The viscount and The Viscountess are coming to us, beginning to present their excuse for Newton, the adorable dog.

— I am perfectly well. I assure, to everyone, for Camille and Louis. I next present my respect to the Bridgerton.

The Harrison and next Camille and Louis doing the same. Madame Harrison now have a smile of respect, the hypocrite ! They begin a polite conversation. I can't wait to see her gone. I concentrate my attention to Newton, who is now really interested in me, beside his adults trying to make him take distance. I want to pet him. Newton finally gives up, sadly. During a silent, I decide to be brave, ignoring the possible reaction of disdain. She already doesn't like me.

— Viscountess, your animal is really lovable, I say to her, smiling.

— He is and very concern about you. She says on the same tone.

— Can I, with your permission, fondle him? I really hope this isn't too adventurous.

— This is not, you can. He will be delighted.

— Thanks you.

I went to pet him, taking a real pleasure. When I stop, he is happy and me too. In my thank you again, I remark so that the rest of the family, without the children was coming to rejoin us, mister Colin Bridgerton with them. I refrain my forming smile, to stay polite. After the salutation, Camille takes the conservation, Louis at her side, presenting his parent. Colin is in my line of direct vue, in a light blue, typical of the Bridgerton color.

I should not look at him too long. After turning my eye further, I catch them again. He makes me a slight sight of head, which I respond. I don't really know how, but he has a knowing smile for me, like we know each other for a very much long time. Smiling more, I turn my eye to the viscount. After one very short moment, I catch him mocking discreetly this polite conversation ? My smile grows bigger, and I retain myself to laugh. One thing helping, me sensing a little hostile eye on me. Having nothing to lose, I turn to madame Harrison, his polite smile coming back. The bad feeling stops; happy, I turn back to my line, catching Colin... mister Bridgerton smiling at me, again this knowing smile. I think he just see that; I don't know what I think of that. Judging by his smile, I don't think he is offended, it is his type? No, he just dares to mock the conversation earlier.

It's time for us, to go. I happily got a last tilde held from him, responding. In the night, we are in our way to theater. There is a comedy of Shakespeare play tonight. This is just Camille, Louis and me ! In the outside, we are stop by the viscountess Bridgerton, for the second time of the day. They just invite us to join them in their lodge. Once arrive, I search for mister Bridgerton, Colin, talking to him on the entracte would be a real joy. This idea died; he is not here. Maybe he doesn't like theater.

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now