In the privacy of homes

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— you have to come please," I beg again, nervously.

— You don't need us," Louis replies.

— You were wonderful at the ball. It's just a dinner. The invitation is for you, Camille adds after looking at Louis.

— I need you, I... I need you, please!

— You just need to breathe; you're going to be wonderful... we've already announced our absence...

His tone is gentle but categorical, they're not coming. My nervousness increase again, a dinner with the Bridgerton... all alone...

— I just have to breathe, smile, and be polite... asking for advice urgently.

— Yes," she replies, smiling. I'm sure you could enjoy it if you relax.

— Your hair is done, miss... say the domestic.

— Thank you, Mary.

Camille takes a long look at it, and she agree. I am wearing one of my dresses, white with discreet flowers on the top. Camille had let me choose. I am ready now. The valet take me to Lady Bridgerton's house. I am greet by a butler and invite to the reception room. The dinner is small. Lady Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, accompanied by his wife, Sophie, Colin, and the other siblings, Eloise, Fransceca, Haycinthe and Gregory. The entree was served, and I had no reason to be nervous. Conversations flows naturally, about the Bridgertons, myself, the season and the first ball. I took an interest in the younger ones, the occupations and children. Everything is going swimmingly. In front of their mother, there is much less teasing, maternal authority. The meal ends with an excellent dessert, their cooks are very talented. At Hyacinthe and Gregory's request, I taught them some simple French. The dinner ended; I thanked the hostess :

— I would like to thank you for your invitation, Lady Bridgerton. It was a real pleasure.

— It was a delight for us too.

She walks me back to my carriage; the valet was waiting. When I got home, Camille is in bed, Louis wasn't. I told him briefly about the dinner.

— You had no reason to be nervous, he remarks.

— No, I didn't. You'll tell Camille tomorrow, I suppose.

— She wanted to wait, but she gave in. She'll want to hear it from you.

— I know she will. I didn't need you, but .... it's a wonder she didn't come. I know she gets tired quickly, but ....

— I insisted, she's very committed to your season, she wants to see you happy, but she has to let you shine on your own.

I sat down, those were Louis' words and not Camille's!

— If it wasn't for you, she would have come, I assume.

— Yes," he laughs, and regains his seriousness, "she wants you to find happiness and a good marriage, she puts a lot of pressure on herself for that, too much. She's afraid she's not capable for you.

— She is. I answer surprise.

— You and I know that, not her.

— ''After her family, a marriage is for a woman the establishment of her future," Camille often told me that.

— He laughs softly. I recognize her well.

— Before the ball, I lacked patience, I didn't help her, I regretted now, knowing the pressure she felt, I regret, I will be more patient with her, and show her that she is really able.

He smiles at these words:

— She knows you're doing the best you can and that you're also nervous, but it would help her.

— I will. Louis, you are both my role model, I want a marriage like yours.

— Gabrielle.... his voice shows emotion and surprise... it's .... thanks.... You have to go to sleep, come on, to bed!

— Good night!

— Good night!

Colin voice

Let's see how this diner goes! Benedict et Sophie are here, this is definitely a trap, a mother trap. I wish you good luck, truly. I am trap, but mademoiselle Bertheau, you are more. At least, I got to see again !

This diner is quieter that usual. The conversation is changing in interest. About you, I am interested. You been traveling with your uncle, France, see it a little bit, Versailles. Italy, England. Germany haven't see it. You like it, I can see it, understand that. I think smiling. You are very close and strong with your sister Camille. I could see it at the ball. More boring, the season and the ball, but you are really interesting. I notice you try to ask and bring everyone. You even teach some French word in the end to Hyacinthe and Gregory. You didn't get trap. You pass the test !

— I appreciate this mademoiselle Bertheau. Colin, you talk to her quite a lot at the ball. Notice my mother.

— We talk about travels and abroad, she has travel .

— She doesn't know our story, yet, add Eloise, teasing.

— No! I respond and she had stories too! This is the principle of a conversation!

— Please, you two! We got reprimand. 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now