Nobody fault

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The next day

Someone ... hold my hand. I open my eyes on Camille. She immediately cry and hug me. My throat is a bit sore. The ball.... I couldn't breathe... Louis came closer to me, he hugs me too.

— How are you feeling?" asks Camille, crying.

— I can breathe, I'm... fine.

— You ... scared me, I ..., she stammers, taking my hand.

— Sorry... I... what happened next?

— A doctor came, he managed to make you breathe ... it's my fault ... I should have ... Louis's voice broke.

— It's not your fault, I didn't know...

— I ... knew, I tasted one and stayed close to tell you, but .... I didn't interrupt you and Colin. I'm... he sighs ... I am so sorry.

— It's not your fault, sweetheart," Camille reassures him, went over to him and embraces him.

— I should have told you.

— It's not your fault, I say firmly. I didn't think, it's a faute to no luck.

He burst into tears, Camille reassures him and calm him down. It's not his fault, it's no luck, there's no shrimp at dances, not in London. Louis calms down.

— Never again will you do that to me again, Gabrielle! I won't lose you... say my sister, her eyes misty.

— No... you and me, always. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

I ask for a glass of water and then I saw the doctor, I had to rest and avoid shrimps, he didn't say it, I thought it myself. Camille and Louis came out. I thought of Colin.... when I panicked, I ran to Louis, without talking to him. I have to talk to him. The evening wasn't supposed to end like this, with me running out crying and passing out. It was supposed to be special, romantic, .... not possibly deadly... I call Camille back:

— I need to see Colin. I need to explain.

— He asked to see you, she smiles, and sent flowers, The Bridgerton did. I'll bring him in.

— Thank you !


Colin is here! Camille is in the chair, looking after me. He came in with flowers, smiling when he saw me.

— You .... It's wonderful that you are well ! You scared me to death," he say, losing his smile completely.

— I'm sorry! It was scary ! I .... I say, begin to cry.

— You're fine, that's the most important thing!

He took my hand and hugs me. Colin is here, near me. My tears stops.

— When I realized it was shrimp, I panicked, I knew it was counted before... I should have explained, Louis knew.

— You're fine, that's all I care about... I understood by what you told Louis. I know what...what allergies do.

He became pale, thinking about his father. I knew from Camille about his tragic death.

— I'm sorry.

— 'From now on, I will watch out, no more shrimp, ever, I will ask every time and test .....

— Colin... that's so adorable, it was a stroke of bad luck. I will be more careful now.

This is the first time that I see the protective Colin and him that sad.

— From now on, I hate shrimps and I'm going to protect you from them, say Colin, seriously.

— Colin!" I say crying with laughter at the seriousness of his statement.

Colin joins me, Camille was laughing too, from tension, I think. She really thinks I was going to die, I thought that too. I wipe the tears and look at him.

— I'm sorry !

— you are okay!

— I'm okay.

— I can't lose you!

— I can't not too !

Camille is crying. She says, I had to rest. Colin left, he was very disappointed, you could tell, he was like a child upset about leaving. I don't him to go ! He walks away and he turns to me and declare:

— I love you !

— I love you too !

He got out, and I begin to cry, to let go of everything. Camille joins in the bed and hugs me until I stop.

Colin POV:

I need you ! The tears came running. Mum is here. I run in his arm and cry. I could have lost her !

— Mum ! I sob.

— I'm here, my baby. It's over ! She repeats, hugging me tighter.

— I .... Gabrielle....

— I'm here.... Baby.... Baby!

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now