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The morning after :

I wake up in the bed, next to Colin looking at me, smiling.

— Morning! He says softly and cutely.

— Morning!

I got closer to him with a smile.

— We are married! He celebrates.

— Everything is perfect! Yesterday was perfect! I say taking his hand.

He leans toward me and kiss me. This start me, I begin slowly kiss him, in various place. We begin like yesterday, trying and discovers each other's. This is just us, going to the perfect speed, taking our time; no pressure, just pleasure and time just us.

One hour later, we were at the breakfast table. This is a little strange. Colin turnes to me, after serving me some tea:

— I want to kiss you!

— Here, with your family around? I begin to get fluster, I know this is normal, but this feel strange. I look at me, patient around me tip-toe with gesture I can do. I am thinking too much, sorry. I love you, it's just a lot of new thing.

— I love you too! I just you to take to be happy and comfortable. Take all the time you want!

I look inside his eye, more calm:

— You can kiss me.

He smiles more and kiss me on the cheek. I didn't feel weird, just love.

— Can I have a real one ? I even ask.

— Always! He says before really kissing me.

— Thank you for being this patient.

Benedict, with Sophie came to us, changing seat.

— Good morning! She wishes.

— Good morning!

— My little brother is married! How is that feeling of freedom?

— Perfect! The waiting was long!

Colin begins to talk to his brother. I turn to Sophie:

— The weeding and the bal was beautiful! She congratulates me. You are officially with us now!

— The spouses of the Bridgerton's child?

— The Bridgerton family !

November 1st

Colin is sleeping, he is so peaceful and dreamy. Oh, he move, he's awake:

­­— Good morning to you, he mumbles.

— Good morning !

He came closer under the blanket and kiss me.

— Did you sleep well? he asks softly.

— Yes, and you?

— Yes, I inform with a giant smile.

I gave him another kiss.

— I want to stay here forever. I thought, running my hand through his hair.

— Me too !

I gaze at him and then kiss him. I go to rest on him, to feel him.

— Your whole family will be waiting for us, I told him sadly, to have to leave this moment soon.

— I know, do you want to go?

— No, but it's rude.

— They will understand.

— It's not right.

There was a knock on the door, it is a valet.

— 'Sir, madam?

— 'Yes,' replies Colin, by default.

— 'You are to be expected for breakfast.

— Yes. Thank you. We need to go, Colin surrenders.

— Yes, just a second.

I lean in to kiss him before getting out of bed. He watches me get up and get dressed. We got ready, I made it fast and nice. He came out to open the door for me, as always, and offered me his hand, as always. We went to say hello to his family.

— I will get you some tea," he comments, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

He came back and gave it to me, with his little fingers in the air, and I burst out laughing.

— Thank you, sir," I flirt back.

I put my cup down and kiss him, again, really. His lips are something I will never tire of, among other things. Colin and I are going to move into a house in London. It's close to Camille and Louis, so I can see Camille, Louis and Hortense whenever they're back in London. We're going on a honeymoon to Italy soon, winter in Italy, for a start. At the moment, we are happy at Audrey Hall, enjoying each other. I had my horse ride as promised, just the two of us and we were kids... We ran, we kissed, we lay in the grass. ... Colin is... Colin. He's my better half. I thank heaven, destiny, love for having met him at this first ball of the season... Together we will travel, see the world. By mutual agreement, one of us will choose a country or a region to see, and vice versa. Colin chose Italy in December, I think France afterwards, I want to show him my Paris, Versailles, ... And who knows where the winds will carry us next ? 

I never feel love .... until I found you- BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now